Minh Duc tran
Minh Duc tran
Division of Computational Mechatronics, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang
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Cited by
Fuzzy fractional differential equations under Caputo–Katugampola fractional derivative approach
N Van Hoa, H Vu, TM Duc
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 375, 70-99, 2019
Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of uncertain robotic manipulators based on local approximation of a dynamic system
MD Tran, HJ Kang
Neurocomputing 228, 231-240, 2017
A novel adaptive finite-time tracking control for robotic manipulators using nonsingular terminal sliding mode and RBF neural networks
MD Tran, HJ Kang
International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing 17, 863-870, 2016
Nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of uncertain second-order nonlinear systems
HJK Minh Duc Tran
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015
Adaptive fuzzy fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for a class of second-order nonlinear systems
TM Duc, N Van Hoa, TP Dao
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 13 (3), 031004, 2018
Analysis and optimization of a micro-displacement sensor for compliant microgripper
TP Dao, NL Ho, TT Nguyen, HG Le, PT Thang, HT Pham, HT Do, MD Tran, ...
Microsystem Technologies 23, 5375-5395, 2017
On the stability of fractional differential equations involving generalized Caputo fractional derivative
MD Tran, V Ho, HN Van
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 (1), 1680761, 2020
Stabilization of impulsive fractional-order dynamic systems involving the Caputo fractional derivative of variable-order via a linear feedback controller
TM Duc, N Van Hoa
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 153, 111525, 2021
Adaptive fuzzy PID sliding mode controller of uncertain robotic manipulator
MD Tran, HJ Kang
Intelligent Computing Theories and Methodologies: 11th International …, 2015
Rheological properties of SWCNT/EG mixture by a new developed optimization approach of LS-Support Vector Regression according to empirical data
J Alsarraf, SA Bagherzadeh, A Shahsavar, M Rostamzadeh, P Van Trinh, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 525, 912-920, 2019
A Neural-network-based Nonlinear Controller for Robot Manipulators with Gain-learning Ability and Output Constraints
DX Ba, MS Tran, VP Vu, VD Tran, MD Tran, NT Tai
2021 International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE), 2021
Improved icp control algorithm in robot surgery application
MD Tran, HJ Kang, YS Ro
International Forum on Strategic Technology 2010, 66-69, 2010
A new result on fractional differential inequality and applications to control of dynamical systems
NV Hoa, TM Duc, H Vu
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2019
Fusion of vision and inertial sensors for position-based visual servoing of a robot manipulator
TM Duc, HJ Kang
Intelligent Computing Theories: 9th International Conference, ICIC 2013 …, 2013
Visual servoing of robot manipulator based on second order sliding observer and neural compensation
TM Duc, V Mien, HJ Kang, LT Dung
Intelligent Computing Theory: 10th International Conference, ICIC 2014 …, 2014
A local neural networks approximation control of uncertain robot manipulators
MD Tran, HJ Kang
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: 11th International …, 2015
Position-Based Robot Visual Servoing with Extended Kalman Filter for Pose Estimation
MD Tran, HJ Kang
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference, 215-216, 2012
Surface-Matching Simulation for Robot-Assisted Surgery
MD Tran, HJ Kang, YS Ro
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference, 283-284, 2011
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Articles 1–18