JB Silvers
JB Silvers
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
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Short stature and growth hormone therapy: a national study of physician recommendation patterns
L Cuttler, JB Silvers, J Singh, U Marrero, B Finkelstein, G Tannin, ...
Jama 276 (7), 531-537, 1996
Medical decision-making and the patient: understanding preference patterns for growth hormone therapy using conjoint analysis
J Singh, L Cuttler, M Shin, JB Silvers, D Neuhauser
Medical care 36 (8), AS31-AS45, 1998
An alternative to the yield spread as a measure of risk
JB Silvers
The Journal of Finance 28 (4), 933-955, 1973
Patient and hospital characteristics associated with patient assessments of hospital obstetrical care
BS Finkelstein, J Singh, JB Silvers, D Neuhauser, GE Rosenthal
Medical Care 36 (8), AS68-AS78, 1998
Insurance coverage, physician recommendations, and access to emerging treatments: growth hormone therapy for childhood short stature
BS Finkelstein, JB Silvers, U Marrero, D Neuhauser, L Cuttler
Jama 279 (9), 663-668, 1998
IS/IT the prescription to enable medical group practices attain their goals
N Wickramasinghe, JB Silvers
Health care management science 6, 75-86, 2003
Growth hormone therapy and quality of life in adults and children
DJ Radcliffe, JS Pliskin, JB Silvers, L Cuttler
Pharmacoeconomics 22, 499-523, 2004
The Affordable Care Act: objectives and likely results in an imperfect world
JB Silvers
The Annals of Family Medicine 11 (5), 402-405, 2013
A national study of physician recommendations to initiate and discontinue growth hormone for short stature
JB Silvers, D Marinova, MB Mercer, A Connors, L Cuttler
Pediatrics 126 (3), 468-476, 2010
Patient, physician, and consumer drivers: referrals for short stature and access to specialty drugs
L Cuttler, D Marinova, MB Mercer, A Connors, R Meehan, JB Silvers
Medical care 47 (8), 858-865, 2009
Patient attitudes and preferences regarding treatment: GH therapy for childhood short stature
BS Finkelstein, J Singh, JB Silvers, U Marrero, D Neuhauser, L Cuttler
Hormone research 51 (Suppl. 1), 67-72, 1999
Cost-effectiveness of emergency intraarterial intracerebral thrombolysis: a pilot study.
CF Lanzieri, RW Tarr, D Landis, WR Selman, JS Lewin, LP Adler, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 16 (10), 1987-1993, 1995
Toward understanding consumers' role in medical decisions for emerging treatments: Issues, framework and hypotheses
J Singh, L Cuttler, JB Silvers
Journal of Business Research 57 (9), 1054-1065, 2004
Growth hormone treatment for idiopathic short stature: implications for practice and policy
L Cuttler, JB Silvers
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 158 (2), 108-110, 2004
Hospital free cash flow
RT Kauer, JB Silvers
Health Care Management Review 16 (4), 67-78, 1991
Restructuring Health Care
JB Silvers
Financial management of health institutions
JB Silvers, CK Prahalad
(No Title), 1974
Returns on equity for not-for-profit hospitals: Some comments
JB Silvers, RT Kauer
Health Services Research 21 (1), 21, 1986
Health care reimbursement is federal taxation of tax-exempt providers
HW Long, JB Silvers
Health Care Management Review 1 (1), 9-24, 1976
Growth hormone and health policy
L Cuttler, JB Silvers
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 95 (7), 3149-3153, 2010
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