Werner Wegscheider
Werner Wegscheider
Professor für Physik, ETH Zürich
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Control and detection of singlet-triplet mixing in a random nuclear field
FHL Koppens, JA Folk, JM Elzerman, R Hanson, LHW Van Beveren, ...
Science 309 (5739), 1346-1350, 2005
Spin-galvanic effect
SD Ganichev, EL Ivchenko, VV Bel'Kov, SA Tarasenko, M Sollinger, ...
Nature 417 (6885), 153-156, 2002
Energy spectra of quantum rings
A Fuhrer, S Lüscher, T Ihn, T Heinzel, K Ensslin, W Wegscheider, ...
Nature 413 (6858), 822-825, 2001
Ultrastrong coupling of the cyclotron transition of a 2D electron gas to a THz metamaterial
G Scalari, C Maissen, D Turčinková, D Hagenmüller, S De Liberato, ...
Science 335 (6074), 1323-1326, 2012
Experimental Separation of Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin Splittings<? format?> in Semiconductor Quantum Wells
SD Ganichev, VV Bel’kov, LE Golub, EL Ivchenko, P Schneider, ...
Physical review letters 92 (25), 256601, 2004
Lasing from excitons in quantum wires
W Wegscheider, LN Pfeiffer, MM Dignam, A Pinczuk, KW West, SL McCall, ...
Physical Review Letters 71 (24), 4071, 1993
Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons
J Dubois, T Jullien, F Portier, P Roche, A Cavanna, Y Jin, W Wegscheider, ...
Nature 502 (7473), 659-663, 2013
Conversion of spin into directed electric current in quantum wells
SD Ganichev, EL Ivchenko, SN Danilov, J Eroms, W Wegscheider, ...
Physical review letters 86 (19), 4358, 2001
Coupled quantum dots fabricated by cleaved edge overgrowth: From artificial atoms to molecules
G Schedelbeck, W Wegscheider, M Bichler, G Abstreiter
Science 278 (5344), 1792-1795, 1997
Quantum simulation of a Fermi–Hubbard model using a semiconductor quantum dot array
T Hensgens, T Fujita, L Janssen, X Li, CJ Van Diepen, C Reichl, ...
Nature 548 (7665), 70-73, 2017
Strong coupling cavity QED with gate-defined double quantum dots enabled by a high impedance resonator
A Stockklauser, P Scarlino, JV Koski, S Gasparinetti, CK Andersen, ...
Physical Review X 7 (1), 011030, 2017
Anomalous Kondo effect in a quantum dot at nonzero bias
F Simmel, RH Blick, JP Kotthaus, W Wegscheider, M Bichler
Physical Review Letters 83 (4), 804, 1999
Nonlinear electron transport in an asymmetric microjunction: A ballistic rectifier
AM Song, A Lorke, A Kriele, JP Kotthaus, W Wegscheider, M Bichler
Physical review letters 80 (17), 3831, 1998
Edge-mode superconductivity in a two-dimensional topological insulator
VS Pribiag, AJA Beukman, F Qu, MC Cassidy, C Charpentier, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (7), 593-597, 2015
Single-shot correlations and two-qubit gate of solid-state spins
KC Nowack, M Shafiei, M Laforest, G Prawiroatmodjo, LR Schreiber, ...
Science 333 (6047), 1269-1272, 2011
Direct mapping of the formation of a persistent spin helix
MP Walser, C Reichl, W Wegscheider, G Salis
Nature Physics 8 (10), 757-762, 2012
Gate-voltage control of spin interactions between electrons and nuclei in a semiconductor
JH Smet, RA Deutschmann, F Ertl, W Wegscheider, G Abstreiter, ...
Nature 415 (6869), 281-286, 2002
Confluence of resonant laser excitation and bidirectional quantum-dot nuclear-spin polarization
C Latta, A Högele, Y Zhao, AN Vamivakas, P Maletinsky, M Kroner, ...
Nature Physics 5 (10), 758-763, 2009
In-plane gates and nanostructures fabricated by direct oxidation of semiconductor heterostructures with an atomic force microscope
R Held, T Vancura, T Heinzel, K Ensslin, M Holland, W Wegscheider
Applied Physics Letters 73 (2), 262-264, 1998
Coherent spin–photon coupling using a resonant exchange qubit
AJ Landig, JV Koski, P Scarlino, UC Mendes, A Blais, C Reichl, ...
Nature 560 (7717), 179-184, 2018
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