Christian Binz
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Zitiert von
Global Innovation Systems—A conceptual framework for innovation dynamics in transnational contexts
C Binz, B Truffer
Research Policy 46 (7), 1284-1298, 2017
Why space matters in technological innovation systems—Mapping global knowledge dynamics of membrane bioreactor technology
C Binz, B Truffer, L Coenen
Research policy 43 (1), 138-155, 2014
Path creation as a process of resource alignment and anchoring: Industry formation for on-site water recycling in Beijing
C Binz, B Truffer, L Coenen
Economic geography 92 (2), 172-200, 2016
Global socio-technical regimes
L Fuenfschilling, C Binz
Research policy 47 (4), 735-749, 2018
The thorny road to technology legitimation—Institutional work for potable water reuse in California
C Binz, S Harris-Lovett, M Kiparsky, DL Sedlak, B Truffer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 103, 249-263, 2016
Geographies of transition—From topical concerns to theoretical engagement: A comment on the transitions research agenda
C Binz, L Coenen, JT Murphy, B Truffer
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 34, 1-3, 2020
Conceptualizing leapfrogging with spatially coupled innovation systems: The case of onsite wastewater treatment in China
C Binz, B Truffer, L Li, Y Shi, Y Lu
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (1), 155-171, 2012
Beyond user acceptance: a legitimacy framework for potable water reuse in California
SR Harris-Lovett, C Binz, DL Sedlak, M Kiparsky, B Truffer
Environmental science & technology 49 (13), 7552-7561, 2015
Toward technology-sensitive catching-up policies: insights from renewable energy in China
C Binz, J Gosens, T Hansen, UE Hansen
World Development 96, 418-437, 2017
A research agenda for the future of urban water management: exploring the potential of nongrid, small-grid, and hybrid solutions
S Hoffmann, U Feldmann, PM Bach, C Binz, M Farrelly, N Frantzeskaki, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (9), 5312-5322, 2020
Spatial lifecycles of cleantech industries–The global development history of solar photovoltaics
C Binz, T Tang, J Huenteler
Energy Policy 101, 386-402, 2017
Unrelated diversification in latecomer contexts: Emergence of the Chinese solar photovoltaics industry
C Binz, LD Anadon
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 28, 14-34, 2018
Assessing transitions through socio-technical configuration analysis–a methodological framework and a case study in the water sector
J Heiberg, B Truffer, C Binz
Research Policy 51 (1), 104363, 2022
Firm survival in complex value chains and global innovation systems: Evidence from solar photovoltaics
A Hipp, C Binz
Research Policy 49 (1), 103876, 2020
Towards a multi-scalar perspective on transition trajectories
J Miörner, C Binz
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 172-188, 2021
The geography of technology legitimation: How multiscalar institutional dynamics matter for path creation in emerging industries
J Heiberg, C Binz, B Truffer
Economic Geography 96 (5), 470-498, 2020
The potential contribution of urine source separation to the SDG agenda–a review of the progress so far and future development options
TA Larsen, H Gruendl, C Binz
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 7 (7), 1161-1176, 2021
Barriers to innovation in urban wastewater utilities: attitudes of managers in California
M Kiparsky, BH Thompson, C Binz, DL Sedlak, L Tummers, B Truffer
Environmental management 57, 1204-1216, 2016
Emerging industries: institutions, legitimacy and system-level agency
H Gong, C Binz, R Hassink, M Trippl
Regional Studies 56 (4), 523-535, 2022
Market success of on-site treatment: a systemic innovation problem
B Truffer, C Binz, H Gebauer, E Störmer
Source separation and decentralization for wastewater management, 209-223, 2013
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