Claus Rerup
Cited by
Cited by
Crossing an apparent chasm: Bridging mindful and less-mindful perspectives on organizational learning
D Levinthal, C Rerup
Organization Science 17 (4), 502-513, 2006
Routines as a source of change in organizational schema: The role of trial-and-error learning
C Rerup, MS Feldman
Academy of Management Journal 54 (3), 577-610, 2011
Beyond collective entities: Multilevel research on organizational routines and capabilities
C Salvato, C Rerup
Journal of Management 37 (2), 468-490, 2011
Attentional triangulation: Learning from unexpected rare crises
C Rerup
Organization Science 20 (5), 876-893, 2009
Learning from past experience: Footnotes on mindfulness and habitual entrepreneurship
C Rerup
Scandinavian Journal of Management 21 (4), 451-472, 2005
Opening the black box: The microfoundations of institutions
WW Powell, C Rerup
The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism 2, Chapter 12: 311-337, 2017
Mediated sensemaking
V Strike, C Rerup
Academy of Management Journal 59 (3), 880-905, 2016
Routine regulation: Balancing conflicting goals in organizational routines
C Salvato, C Rerup
Administrative Science Quarterly 63 (1), 170-209, 2018
“Houston, we have a problem”: Anticipation and improvisation as sources of organizational resilience
C Rerup
Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão 7 (1), 21-44, 2001
A process perspective on organizational routines
J Howard-Grenville, C Rerup
In A.Langley., & H. Tsoukas (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Process …, 2017
Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics
M Feldman, B Pentland, L D’Adderio, K Dittrich, C Rerup, D Seidl
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Going mobile: Aesthetic design considerations from Calder and the constructivists
D Barry, C Rerup
Organization Science 17 (2), 262-276, 2006
The plural of goal: Learning in a world of ambiguity
D Levinthal, C Rerup
Organization Science 32 (3), 527-543, 2021
Situating the concept of organizational mindfulness: The multiple dimensions of organizational learning.
C Rerup, D Levinthal
In G. Becke (eds.), Mindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganization …, 2014
Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed
J Howard-Grenville, C Rerup, A Langley, H Tsoukas
Oxford University Press, 2016
A Curated Debate: On Using “Templates” in Qualitative Research
D Gioia, K Corley, K Eisenhardt, M Feldman, A Langley, J Lê, ...
Journal of Management Inquiry 31 (3), 231–252, 2022
Sweating the “small stuff”: High-reliability organizing as a foundation for sustained superior performance
T Vogus, C Rerup
Strategic Organization 16 (2), 227-238, 2018
Introduction: Advancing a process perspective on routines by zooming out and zooming in
J Howard-Grenville, C Rerup, A Langley, H Tsoukas
Organizational routines: How they are created, maintained, and changed 5, 1-22, 2016
Noise as signal in learning from rare events
D Maslach, O Branzei, C Rerup, MJ Zbaracki
Organization Science 29 (2), 225-246, 2018
Weak cues and attentional triangulation: The Pearl Jam concert accident at Roskilde Festival
MT Vendelo, C Rerup
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1-38, 2009
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Articles 1–20