Gonzalo Manzano (Paule)
Gonzalo Manzano (Paule)
Other namesGonzalo Manzano
Ramón y Cajal Fellow, IFISC (UIB-CSIC)
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Entropy production and thermodynamic power of the squeezed thermal reservoir
G Manzano, F Galve, R Zambrini, JMR Parrondo
Physical Review E 93, 052120, 2016
Synchronization, quantum correlations and entanglement in oscillator networks
G Manzano, F Galve, GL Giorgi, E Hernández-García, R Zambrini
Scientific Reports 3, 1439, 2013
Quantum Fluctuation Theorems for Arbitrary Environments: Adiabatic and Non-adiabatic Entropy Production
G Manzano, JM Horowitz, JMR Parrondo
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031037, 2018
Quantum correlations and mutual synchronization
GL Giorgi, F Galve, G Manzano, P Colet, R Zambrini
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 052101, 2012
Nonequilibrium potential and fluctuation theorems for quantum maps
G Manzano, JM Horowitz, JMR Parrondo
Physical Review E 92 (3), 032129, 2015
Optimal Work Extraction and Thermodynamics of Quantum Measurements and Correlations
G Manzano, F Plastina, R Zambrini
Physical Review Letters 121 (12), 120602, 2018
Performance of autonomous quantum thermal machines: Hilbert space dimension as a thermodynamical resource
R Silva, G Manzano, P Skrzypczyk, N Brunner
Physical Review E 94, 032120, 2016
Squeezed thermal reservoir as a generalized equilibrium reservoir
G Manzano
Physical Review E 98, 042123, 2018
Thermodynamics of Gambling Demons
G Manzano, D Subero, O Maillet, R Fazio, JP Pekola, É Roldán
Physical Review Letters 126 (8), 080603, 2021
Optimizing autonomous thermal machines powered by energetic coherence
K Hammam, Y Hassouni, R Fazio, G Manzano
New Journal of Physics 23, 043024, 2021
Hybrid thermal machines: Generalized thermodynamic resources for multitasking
G Manzano, R Sánchez, R Silva, G Haack, JB Brask, N Brunner, PP Potts
Physical Review Research 2, 043302, 2020
Synchronization along quantum trajectories
N Es' haqi-Sani, G Manzano, R Zambrini, R Fazio
Physical Review Research 2, 023101, 2020
Avoiding dissipation in a system of three quantum harmonic oscillators
G Manzano, F Galve, R Zambrini
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032114, 2013
Boosting the performance of small autonomous refrigerators via common environmental effects
G Manzano, GL Giorgi, R Fazio, R Zambrini
New Journal of Physics 21, 123026, 2019
Quantum thermodynamics under continuous monitoring: A general framework
G Manzano, R Zambrini
AVS Quantum Science 4, 025302, 2022
Autonomous thermal machine for amplification and control of energetic coherence
G Manzano, R Silva, JMR Parrondo
Physical Review E 99, 042135, 2019
Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects
G Manzano, JMR Parrondo, GT Landi
PRX Quantum 3, 010304, 2022
Work Estimation and Work Fluctuations in the Presence of Non-Ideal Measurements
T Debarba, G Manzano, Y Guryanova, M Huber, N Friis
New Journal of Physics 21, 113002, 2019
Quantum superposition of thermodynamic evolutions with opposing time’s arrows
G Rubino, G Manzano, Č Brukner
Communications Physics 4 (1), 251, 2021
Collective effects on the performance and stability of quantum heat engines
LS Souza, G Manzano, R Fazio, F Iemini
Physical Review E 106, 014143, 2022
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Articles 1–20