Volker Dellwo
Volker Dellwo
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Rhythm and speech rate: A variation coefficient for deltaC
V Dellwo, P Karnowski, I Szigeti
Peter Lang, 2006
Relations between language rhythm and speech rate
V Dellwo, P Wagner, MJ Solé, D Recasens, J Romero
University of Zurich, 2003
Comparing native and non-native speech rhythm using acoustic rhythmic measures: Cantonese, Beijing Mandarin and English
P Mok, V Dellwo
ISCA, 2008
Influences of speech rate on the acoustic correlates of speech rhythm: An experimental phonetic study based on acoustic and perceptual evidence
V Dellwo
PhDDissertation, Universität Bonn (electronic publication: http://hss. ulb …, 2010
Rhythmic variability between speakers: Articulatory, prosodic, and linguistic factors
V Dellwo, A Leemann, MJ Kolly
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (3), 1513-1528, 2015
Speaker-individuality in suprasegmental temporal features: Implications for forensic voice comparison
A Leemann, MJ Kolly, V Dellwo
Forensic science international 238, 59-67, 2014
Speaker idiosyncratic rhythmic features in the speech signal
V Dellwo, A Leemann, MJ Kolly
Interspeech Conference Proceedings, 2012
Rhythmical classification based on voice parameters
V Dellwo, A Fourcin, E Abberton
University of Zurich, 2007
How is individuality expressed in voice? An introduction to speech production and description for speaker classification
V Dellwo, M Huckvale, M Ashby
Speaker Classification I: Fundamentals, Features, and Methods, 1-20, 2007
Czech speech rhythm and the rhythm class hypothesis
J Dancovicova, V Dellwo, J Trouvain, W Barry
Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1241-1244, 2007
Bonntempo-corpus and bonntempo-tools: a database for the study of speech rhythm and rate.
V Dellwo, B Aschenberner, P Wagner, J Dancovicova, I Steiner
Interspeech, 777-780, 2004
Introducing YARD (Yet Another Rhythm Determination) and re-introducing isochrony to rhythm research
P Wagner, V Dellwo
Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 2004
The role of speech rate in perceiving speech rhythm
V Dellwo
ISCA, 2008
The recognition of read and spontaneous speech in local vernacular: The case of Zurich German
V Dellwo, A Leemann, MJ Kolly
Journal of Phonetics 48, 13-28, 2015
Speaker-individuality in Fujisaki model f0 features: implications for forensic voice comparison.
A Leemann, H Mixdorff, M O'Reilly, MJ Kolly, V Dellwo
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 21 (2), 2014
Rhythmic variability in Swiss German dialects
A Leemann, V Dellwo, MJ Kolly, S Schmid
ISCA, 2012
The role of syllable intensity in between-speaker rhythmic variability.
L He, V Dellwo
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 23 (2), 2016
Relationships between speech rate and rhythm
V Dellwo, P Wagner
Proceedings of the ICPhS, 2003
Auditory speaker discrimination by forensic phoneticians and naive listeners in voiced and whispered speech.
A Bartle, V Dellwo
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 22 (2), 2015
Cues to linguistic origin: The contribution of speech temporal information to foreign accent recognition
MJ Kolly, V Dellwo
Journal of Phonetics 42, 12-23, 2014
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