Giovanni Bertolini
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Cited by
Moving in a moving world: a review on vestibular motion sickness
G Bertolini, D Straumann
Frontiers in neurology 7, 14, 2016
Velocity storage contribution to vestibular self-motion perception in healthy human subjects
G Bertolini, S Ramat, J Laurens, CJ Bockisch, S Marti, D Straumann, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (1), 209-223, 2011
Is vestibular self-motion perception controlled by the velocity storage? Insights from patients with chronic degeneration of the vestibulo-cerebellum
G Bertolini, S Ramat, CJ Bockisch, S Marti, D Straumann, A Palla
PLoS One 7 (6), e36763, 2012
Keeping an eye on serial order: Ocular movements bind space and time
L Rinaldi, P Brugger, CJ Bockisch, G Bertolini, L Girelli
Cognition 142, 291-298, 2015
Binding body and self in visuo‐vestibular conflicts
G Macauda, G Bertolini, A Palla, D Straumann, P Brugger, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (6), 810-817, 2015
Dissociating vestibular and somatosensory contributions to spatial orientation
BBGT Alberts, LPJ Selen, G Bertolini, D Straumann, WP Medendorp, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 116 (1), 30-40, 2016
Impaired tilt perception in Parkinson’s disease: a central vestibular integration failure
G Bertolini, A Wicki, CR Baumann, D Straumann, A Palla
PloS one 10 (4), e0124253, 2015
Modulation of internal estimates of gravity during and after prolonged roll-tilts
AA Tarnutzer, G Bertolini, CJ Bockisch, D Straumann, S Marti
PLoS One 8 (10), e78079, 2013
Gravity dependence of the effect of optokinetic stimulation on the subjective visual vertical
BK Ward, CJ Bockisch, N Caramia, G Bertolini, AA Tarnutzer
Journal of neurophysiology 117 (5), 1948-1958, 2017
Gaze‐evoked nystagmus induced by alcohol intoxication
F Romano, AA Tarnutzer, D Straumann, S Ramat, G Bertolini
The Journal of physiology 595 (6), 2161-2173, 2017
Gaze holding in healthy subjects
G Bertolini, AA Tarnutzer, I Olasagasti, E Khojasteh, KP Weber, ...
PLoS One 8 (4), e61389, 2013
Velocity storage mechanism in zebrafish larvae
CC Chen, CJ Bockisch, G Bertolini, I Olasagasti, SCF Neuhauss, ...
The Journal of physiology 592 (1), 203-214, 2014
Gaze holding deficits discriminate early from late onset cerebellar degeneration
AA Tarnutzer, KP Weber, B Schuknecht, D Straumann, S Marti, G Bertolini
Journal of neurology 262, 1837-1849, 2015
Velocity storage in the human vertical rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex
G Bertolini, S Ramat
Experimental brain research 209, 51-63, 2011
Multiple timescales in the adaptation of the rotational VOR
P Colagiorgio, G Bertolini, CJ Bockisch, D Straumann, S Ramat
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (9), 3130-3142, 2015
Combined optokinetic treatment and vestibular rehabilitation to reduce visually induced dizziness in a professional ice hockey player after concussion: a clinical case
V Mucci, C Meier, M Bizzini, F Romano, D Agostino, A Ventura, G Bertolini, ...
Frontiers in neurology 10, 1200, 2019
Artificial intelligence for understanding concussion: Retrospective cluster analysis on the balance and vestibular diagnostic data of concussion patients
RMS Visscher, N Feddermann-Demont, F Romano, D Straumann, ...
PloS one 14 (4), e0214525, 2019
Measuring optokinetic after-nystagmus: potential for detecting patients with signs of visual dependence following concussion
G Bertolini, F Romano, D Straumann, K Keller, A Palla, ...
Journal of Neurology 268, 1747-1761, 2021
Estimating the Time Constants of the rVOR: A Model‐Based Study
S Ramat, G Bertolini
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1164 (1), 140-146, 2009
Cross-coupling vestibular stimulation: motion sickness and the vestibulo-sympathetic reflex
F Romano, N Caramia, D Straumann, E Nalivaiko, G Bertolini
Journal of neurology 264, 96-103, 2017
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Articles 1–20