Microwave-based noninvasive concentration measurements for biomedical applications M Hofmann, G Fischer, R Weigel, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 (5), 2195-2204, 2013
296 2013 The six-port in modern society A Koelpin, G Vinci, B Laemmle, D Kissinger, R Weigel
IEEE microwave magazine 11 (7), 35-43, 2010
200 2010 Multi-purpose fully differential 61-and 122-GHz radar transceivers for scalable MIMO sensor platforms HJ Ng, M Kucharski, W Ahmad, D Kissinger
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 52 (9), 2242-2255, 2017
152 2017 Wideband 240-GHz transmitter and receiver in BiCMOS technology with 25-Gbit/s data rate MH Eissa, A Malignaggi, R Wang, M Elkhouly, K Schmalz, AC Ulusoy, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (9), 2532-2542, 2018
131 2018 A linear differential transimpedance amplifier for 100-Gb/s integrated coherent optical fiber receivers A Awny, R Nagulapalli, M Kroh, J Hoffmann, P Runge, D Micusik, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (2), 973-986, 2017
96 2017 Miniature microwave biosensors: Noninvasive applications G Guarin, M Hofmann, J Nehring, R Weigel, G Fischer, D Kissinger
IEEE Microwave Magazine 16 (4), 71-86, 2015
93 2015 A 40 Gb/s Monolithically Integrated Linear Photonic Receiver in a BiCMOS SiGe:C Technology A Awny, R Nagulapalli, G Winzer, M Kroh, D Micusik, S Lischke, D Knoll, ...
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 25 (7), 469-471, 2015
91 2015 100 Gb/s Differential Linear TIAs With Less Than 10 pA/ in 130-nm SiGe:C BiCMOS IG López, A Awny, P Rito, M Ko, AC Ulusoy, D Kissinger
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (2), 458-469, 2017
89 2017 Millimeter-wave receiver concepts for 77 GHz automotive radar in silicon-germanium technology D Kissinger
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
84 * 2012 A 125-GHz permittivity sensor with read-out circuit in a 250-nm SiGe BiCMOS technology B Laemmle, K Schmalz, JC Scheytt, R Weigel, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 (5), 2185-2194, 2013
82 2013 Gas spectroscopy system for breath analysis at mm-wave/THz using SiGe BiCMOS circuits K Schmalz, N Rothbart, PFX Neumaier, J Borngräber, HW Hübers, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (5), 1807-1818, 2017
81 2017 Millimeter-wave and terahertz transceivers in SiGe BiCMOS technologies D Kissinger, G Kahmen, R Weigel
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69 (10), 4541-4560, 2021
73 2021 Single-and dual-port 50-100-GHz integrated vector network analyzers with on-chip dielectric sensors I Nasr, J Nehring, K Aufinger, G Fischer, R Weigel, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62 (9), 2168-2179, 2014
67 2014 D-band frequency quadruplers in BiCMOS technology M Kucharski, MH Eissa, A Malignaggi, D Wang, HJ Ng, D Kissinger
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (9), 2465-2478, 2018
64 2018 A Monolithically Integrated Segmented Linear Driver and Modulator in EPIC 0.25- m SiGe:C BiCMOS Platform P Rito, IG López, D Petousi, L Zimmermann, M Kroh, S Lischke, D Knoll, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (12), 4561-4572, 2016
64 2016 Highly integrated 4–32-GHz two-port vector network analyzers for instrumentation and biomedical applications J Nehring, M Schütz, M Dietz, I Nasr, K Aufinger, R Weigel, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (1), 229-244, 2016
64 2016 Non-invasive glucose monitoring using open electromagnetic waveguides M Hofmann, M Bloss, R Weigel, G Fischer, D Kissinger
2012 42nd European Microwave Conference, 546-549, 2012
64 2012 23.5 A dual 64Gbaud 10kΩ 5% THD linear differential transimpedance amplifier with automatic gain control in 0.13 µm BiCMOS technology for optical fiber coherent receivers A Awny, R Nagulapalli, D Micusik, J Hoffmann, G Fischer, D Kissinger, ...
2016 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 406-407, 2016
63 2016 A scalable 79-GHz radar platform based on single-channel transceivers M Kucharski, A Ergintav, WA Ahmad, M Krstić, HJ Ng, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 67 (9), 3882-3896, 2019
60 2019 Highly miniaturized 120-GHz SIMO and MIMO radar sensor with on-chip folded dipole antennas for range and angular measurements HJ Ng, D Kissinger
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (6), 2592-2603, 2018
60 2018