Takeshi Tokuyama
Takeshi Tokuyama
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Cited by
Data mining using two-dimensional optimized association rules: Scheme, algorithms, and visualization
T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama
Acm Sigmod Record 25 (2), 13-23, 1996
Mining optimized association rules for numeric attributes
T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1996
Greedily finding a dense subgraph
Y Asahiro, K Iwama, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Journal of Algorithms 34 (2), 203-221, 2000
CapsuleNet for micro-expression recognition
N Van Quang, J Chun, T Tokuyama
2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2019
Order-preserving matching
J Kim, P Eades, R Fleischer, SH Hong, CS Iliopoulos, K Park, SJ Puglisi, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 525, 68-79, 2014
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with Monge property and applications
A Aggarwal, B Schieber, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 189-197, 1993
Data mining with optimized two-dimensional association rules
T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 26 (2), 179-213, 2001
Distribution of distances and triangles in a point set and algorithms for computing the largest common point sets
T Akutsu, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 1997
Polynomial-time solutions to image segmentation
T Asano, DZ Chen, N Katoh, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 1996
A generating function of strict Gelfand patterns and some formulas on characters of general linear groups
T Tokuyama
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 40 (4), 671-685, 1988
Computing Optimized Rectilinear Regions for Association Rules.
K Yoda, T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama
KDD 97, 96-103, 1997
Algorithms for the maximum subarray problem based on matrix multiplication
H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Interdisciplinary information sciences 6 (2), 99-104, 2000
Covering points in the plane by k-tours: towards a polynomial time approximation scheme for general k
T Asano, N Katoh, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1997
How to cut pseudo-parabolas into segments
H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 230-237, 1995
Constructing E cient Decision Trees by Using Optimized Numeric Association Rules
T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1996
福田, 森本, 康彦, 徳山
(No Title), 2001
Algorithms for mining association rules for binary segmentations of huge categorical databases
Y Morimoto, T Fukuda, H Matsuzawa, T Tokuyama, K Yoda
VLDB 98, 380-391, 1998
Minimizing interference of a wireless ad-hoc network in a plane
MM Halldórsson, T Tokuyama
Theoretical Computer Science 402 (1), 29-42, 2008
Walking on an arrangement topologically
T Asano, LJ Guibas, T Tokuyama
Proceedings of the seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 297-306, 1991
Greedily finding a dense subgraph
Y Asahiro, K Iwama, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama
Algorithm Theory—SWAT'96: 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory …, 1996
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Articles 1–20