Ludovic Räss
Cited by
Cited by
Spontaneous formation of fluid escape pipes from subsurface reservoirs
L Räss, NSC Simon, YY Podladchikov
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11116, 2018
Resolving hydromechanical coupling in two and three dimensions: spontaneous channelling of porous fluids owing to decompaction weakening
L Räss, T Duretz, YY Podladchikov
Geophysical Journal International 218 (3), 1591-1616, 2019
Resolving thermomechanical coupling in two and three dimensions: spontaneous strain localization owing to shear heating
T Duretz, L Räss, YY Podladchikov, SM Schmalholz
Geophysical Journal International 216 (1), 365-379, 2019
Chimneys, channels, pathway flow or water conducting features-an explanation from numerical modelling and implications for CO2 storage
L Räss, VM Yarushina, NSC Simon, YY Podladchikov
Energy Procedia 63, 3761-3774, 2014
Quantification of viscous creep influence on storage capacity of caprock
L Räss, RY Makhnenko, Y Podladchikov, L Laloui
Energy Procedia 114, 3237-3246, 2017
Assessing the robustness and scalability of the accelerated pseudo-transient method
L Räss, I Utkin, T Duretz, S Omlin, YY Podladchikov
Geoscientific Model Development 15 (14), 5757-5786, 2022
Simulation of three-dimensional viscoelastic deformation coupled to porous fluid flow
S Omlin, L Räss, YY Podladchikov
Tectonophysics 746, 695-701, 2018
M2Di: Concise and efficient MATLAB 2‐DS tokes solvers using the Finite Difference Method
L Räss, T Duretz, YY Podladchikov, SM Schmalholz
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (2), 755-768, 2017
Efficient parallel random field generator for large 3-D geophysical problems
L Räss, D Kolyukhin, A Minakov
Computers & Geosciences 131, 158-169, 2019
Modelling thermomechanical ice deformation using an implicit pseudo-transient method (FastICE v1. 0) based on graphical processing units (GPUs)
L Räss, A Licul, F Herman, YY Podladchikov, J Suckale
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (3), 955-976, 2020
Resolving wave propagation in anisotropic poroelastic media using graphical processing units (GPUs)
Y Alkhimenkov, L Räss, L Khakimova, B Quintal, Y Podladchikov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (7), e2020JB021175, 2021
Viscous behavior of clay‐rich rocks and its role in focused fluid flow
VM Yarushina, RY Makhnenko, YY Podladchikov, LH Wang, L Räss
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (10), e2021GC009949, 2021
Pegmatites as geological expressions of spontaneous crustal flow localisation
A Plunder, L Le Pourhiet, L Räss, E Gloaguen, M Pichavant, C Gumiaux
Lithos 416, 106652, 2022
Bridging hpc communities through the julia programming language
V Churavy, WF Godoy, C Bauer, H Ranocha, M Schlottke-Lakemper, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.02740, 2022
On the mechanisms of stress-triggered seismic events during fluid injection
VM Yarushina, YY Podladchikov, A Minakov, L Räss
Poromechanics VI, 795-800, 2017
ParallelStencil. jl
S Omlin, L Räss, G Kwasniewski, B Malvoisin, YY Podladchikov
Adjoint-based inversion for porosity in shallow reservoirs using pseudo-transient solvers for non-linear hydro-mechanical processes
GS Reuber, L Holbach, L Räss
Journal of Computational Physics 423, 109797, 2020
Resolving spontaneous nonlinear multi-physics flow localization in 3-D: Tackling hardware limit
L Räss, S Omlin, YY Podladchikov
URL https://developer. nvidia. com/gtc/2019/video S 9368, 2019
Spontaneous formation of fluid escape pipes from subsurface reservoirs, Sci. Rep., 8, 11116
L Räss, NSC Simon, YY Podladchikov
Spontaneous formation of fluid escape pipes from subsurface reservoirs, Sci
L Räss, NS Simon, YY Podladchikov
Rep 8 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20