Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo
Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
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Spin to Charge Conversion at Room Temperature by Spin Pumping into a New Type of Topological Insulator: -Sn Films
JC Rojas-Sánchez, S Oyarzún, Y Fu, A Marty, C Vergnaud, S Gambarelli, ...
Physical review letters 116 (9), 096602, 2016
Large Rashba spin splitting of a metallic surface-state band on a semiconductor surface
K Yaji, Y Ohtsubo, S Hatta, H Okuyama, K Miyamoto, T Okuda, A Kimura, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 17, 2010
Dirac Cone with Helical Spin Polarization in Ultrathin -Sn(001) Films
Y Ohtsubo, P Le Fèvre, F Bertran, A Taleb-Ibrahimi
Physical review letters 111 (21), 216401, 2013
Non-trivial surface-band dispersion on Bi (111)
Y Ohtsubo, L Perfetti, MO Goerbig, P Le Fevre, F Bertran, A Taleb-Ibrahimi
New Journal of Physics 15 (3), 033041, 2013
Large Rashba spin splitting of surface resonance bands on semiconductor surface
S Hatta, T Aruga, Y Ohtsubo, H Okuyama
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (11), 113309, 2009
Direct observation of electron thermalization and electron-phonon coupling in photoexcited bismuth
J Faure, J Mauchain, E Papalazarou, M Marsi, D Boschetto, I Timrov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075120, 2013
Surface Kondo effect and non-trivial metallic state of the Kondo insulator YbB12
K Hagiwara, Y Ohtsubo, M Matsunami, S Ideta, K Tanaka, H Miyazaki, ...
Nature Communications 7, 12690, 2016
Hierarchical spin-orbital polarization of a giant Rashba system
L Bawden, JM Riley, CH Kim, R Sankar, EJ Monkman, DE Shai, HI Wei, ...
Science advances 1 (8), e1500495, 2015
Epitaxial growth of Bi thin films on Ge (1 1 1)
S Hatta, Y Ohtsubo, S Miyamoto, H Okuyama, T Aruga
Applied Surface Science 256 (4), 1252-1256, 2009
Topological phase diagram and saddle point singularity in a tunable topological crystalline insulator
M Neupane, SY Xu, R Sankar, Q Gibson, YJ Wang, I Belopolski, ...
Physical Review B 92 (7), 075131, 2015
Spin-polarized semiconductor surface states localized in subsurface layers
Y Ohtsubo, S Hatta, K Yaji, H Okuyama, K Miyamoto, T Okuda, A Kimura, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 201307, 2010
Giant anisotropy of spin-orbit splitting at the bismuth surface
Y Ohtsubo, J Mauchain, J Faure, E Papalazarou, M Marsi, P Le Fèvre, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (22), 226404, 2012
Non-trivial surface states of samarium hexaboride at the (111) surface
Y Ohtsubo, Y Yamashita, K Hagiwara, S Ideta, K Tanaka, R Yukawa, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2298, 2019
Surface Tomonaga-Luttinger-Liquid State on
Y Ohtsubo, J Kishi, K Hagiwara, P Le Fevre, F Bertran, A Taleb-Ibrahimi, ...
Physical review letters 115 (25), 256404, 2015
Topological phase transition of single-crystal Bi based on empirical tight-binding calculations
Y Ohtsubo, S Kimura
New Journal of Physics 18 (12), 123015, 2016
A metallic surface state with uniaxial spin polarization on Tl/Ge (111)-(1× 1)
Y Ohtsubo, S Hatta, H Okuyama, T Aruga
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (9), 092001, 2012
Dynamical fluctuations in In nanowires on Si (111)
S Hatta, Y Ohtsubo, T Aruga, S Miyamoto, H Okuyama, H Tajiri, O Sakata
Physical Review B 84 (24), 245321, 2011
Tetragonal and collapsed-tetragonal phases of CaFe2As2: A view from angle-resolved photoemission and dynamical mean-field theory
HD Ambroise van Roekeghem, Pierre Richard, Xun Shi, Shangfei Wu, Lingkun ...
Physical Review B 93, 245139, 2016
Fermi gas behavior of a one-dimensional metallic band of Pt-induced nanowires on Ge (001)
K Yaji, I Mochizuki, S Kim, Y Takeichi, A Harasawa, Y Ohtsubo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (24), 241413, 2013
Giant Rashba splitting of quasi-one-dimensional surface states on Bi/InAs(110)-
T Nakamura, Y Ohtsubo, Y Yamashita, S Ideta, K Tanaka, K Yaji, ...
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075431, 2018
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Articles 1–20