Andreas Altorfer
Andreas Altorfer
Senior Research Scientist
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Professional musicians listen differently to music
CA Mikutta, G Maissen, A Altorfer, W Strik, T Koenig
Neuroscience 268, 102-111, 2014
Emotions, arousal, and frontal alpha rhythm asymmetry during Beethoven’s 5th symphony
C Mikutta, A Altorfer, W Strik, T Koenig
Brain topography 25, 423-430, 2012
Measurement and meaning of head movements in everyday face-to-face communicative interaction
A Altorfer, S Jossen, O Würmle, ML Käsermann, K Foppa, H Zimmermann
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 32 (1), 17-32, 2000
Music, perceived arousal, and intensity: Psychophysiological reactions to C hopin's “T ristesse”
CA Mikutta, S Schwab, S Niederhauser, O Wuermle, W Strik, A Altorfer
Psychophysiology 50 (9), 909-919, 2013
Arousal and communication: I. The relationship between nonverbal, behavioral, and physiological indices of the stress response
A Altorfer, ML Käsermann, H Hirsbrunner
Journal of Psychophysiology 12, 40-59, 1998
Stress-Indicative Patterns of Non-Verbal Behaviour Their Role in Family Interaction
A Altorfer, MJ Goldstein, DJ Miklowitz, KH Nuechterlein
The British Journal of Psychiatry 161 (S18), 103-113, 1992
Leben im Erziehungsheim–eine Kamerabrillenstudie: Aggression und Konflikt in Umwelten frühadoleszenter Jungen und Mädchen
A Wettstein, M Scherzinger, J Meier, A Altorfer
Beltz Juventa, 2013
The psychological role of music and attentional control for religious experiences in worship
Y Walter, A Altorfer
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (12), 2272-2286, 2022
Die Bedeutung des Nonverbalen in der Kommunikation
A Altorfer, ML Käsermann
Huber, 2007
Obstruction in conversation: A triadic case study
ML Käsermann, A Altorfer
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 8 (1), 49-58, 1989
Amygdala and orbitofrontal engagement in breach and resolution of expectancy: A case study.
CA Mikutta, S Dürschmid, N Bean, M Lehne, J Lubell, A Altorfer, J Parvizi, ...
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain 25 (4), 357, 2015
Nichtverbales Verhalten: Interne Repräsentation und externe Präsentation
A Altorfer
Pabst Science Publishers, 2002
The study of emotional processes in communication: I. Measuring emotionalization in everyday face-to-face communicative interaction
ML Käsermann, A Altorfer, K Foppa, S Jossen, H Zimmermann
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 32 (1), 33-46, 2000
Co‐ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non‐rapid eye movement sleep
C Mikutta, M Wenke, K Spiegelhalder, E Hertenstein, JG Maier, ...
Journal of sleep research 31 (2), e13466, 2022
The study of emotional processes in communication: II. Peripheral blood flow as an indicator of emotionalization
S Jossen, ML Käsermann, A Altorfer, K Foppa, H Zimmermann, ...
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 32 (1), 47-55, 2000
Was uns in Gesprächen aufregt… Störendes kommunikatives Verhalten und seine Wirkung auf den Gesprächspartner
ML Käsermann, A Altorfer
Über die richtige Art Psychologie zu treiben, 136-143, 1990
Eine Methode zur Untersuchung der interaktiven Bedeutung von nichtverbalen Verhaltensweisen
A Altorfer
Sprache & Kognition 7, 99-112, 1988
Eye-head coordination abnormalities in schizophrenia
S Schwab, O Würmle, N Razavi, RM Müri, A Altorfer
PLoS One 8 (9), e74845, 2013
A Altorfer, S Jossen, O Würmle
Z Psychol 205, 83-117, 1997
Courses of physiological activation during different types of interaction
A Altoffer
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Articles 1–20