Christian Biener
Christian Biener
Associate Professor of Behavioral Risk Management, University of St. Gallen
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Insurability of cyber risk: An empirical analysis
C Biener, M Eling, JH Wirfs
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 40, 131-158, 2015
The Determinants of Efficiency and Productivity in the Swiss Insurance Industry
C Biener, M Eling, JH Wirfs
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 703–714, 2016
Insurability in microinsurance markets: An analysis of problems and potential solutions
C Biener, M Eling
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 37, 77-107, 2012
The performance of microinsurance programs: a data envelopment analysis
C Biener, M Eling
Journal of Risk and Insurance 78 (1), 83-115, 2011
Organization and efficiency in the international insurance industry: A cross-frontier analysis
C Biener, M Eling
European Journal of Operational Research 221 (2), 454-468, 2012
Pricing in microinsurance markets
C Biener
World Development 41, 132-144, 2013
Regulation in microinsurance markets: Principles, practice, and directions for future development
C Biener, M Eling, JT Schmit
World Development 58, 21-40, 2014
Can group incentives alleviate moral hazard? the role of pro-social preferences
C Biener, M Eling, A Landmann, S Pradhan
European Economic Review 101 (2018), 230-249, 2018
The Structure of the Global Reinsurance Market: An Analysis of Efficiency, Scale, and Scope
C Biener, M Eling, R Jia
Journal of Banking and Finance 77 (2017), 213-229, 2017
Insurability of Cyber Risk
C Biener, M Eling, JH Wirfs
The Geneva Association Newsletter, 2014
Contract nonperformance risk and uncertainty in insurance markets
C Biener, A Landmann, MI Santana
Journal of Public Economics 175 (2019), 65-83, 2019
Cyber Risk: Risikomanagement und Versicherbarkeit
C Biener, M Eling, A Matt, JH Wirfs
Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft der Universität St. Gallen, 2015
More options, more problems? Lost in the health insurance maze
C Biener, L Zou
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2024
Balancing the desire for privacy against the desire to hedge risk
C Biener, M Eling, M Lehmann
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 180, 608-620, 2020
Recent Research Developments Affecting Nonlife Insurance—The CAS Risk Premium Project 2012 Update
C Biener, M Eling
Risk Management and Insurance Review 16 (2), 219-231, 2013
Globalisation: blessing or curse? Evidence from the insurance industry
C Biener, M Eling, R Jia
European Journal of International Management, 2019
Would I Lie to You? How Interaction with Chatbots Induces Dishonesty
C Biener, A Waeber
Working Paper, 2021
Magnitude and Social Correlates of Poor Decisions in Health Insurance
L Zou, C Biener
Available at SSRN 4967144, 2024
Recovery mode: Non-cognitive skills after the storm
C Biener, A Landmann
World Development 164, 106152, 2023
The roles of industry idiosyncrasy, cost efficiency, and risk in internationalization: Evidence from the insurance industry
C Biener, M Eling, R Jia
University of St. Gallen, School of Finance Research Paper, 2016
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