Javier Parapar
Javier Parapar
Information Retrieval Lab - CITIC - University of A Coruña
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eRISK 2017: CLEF lab on early risk prediction on the internet: experimental foundations
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 8th …, 2017
Overview of erisk 2019 early risk prediction on the internet
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 10th …, 2019
Overview of eRisk: early risk prediction on the internet
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 9th …, 2018
Overview of erisk 2023: Early risk prediction on the internet
J Parapar, P Martín-Rodilla, DE Losada, F Crestani
International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European …, 2023
Using graph partitioning techniques for neighbour selection in user-based collaborative filtering
A Bellogín, J Parapar
Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 213-216, 2012
On the robustness and discriminative power of information retrieval metrics for top-N recommendation
D Valcarce, A Bellogín, J Parapar, P Castells
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on recommender systems, 260-268, 2018
Assessing ranking metrics in top-N recommendation
D Valcarce, A Bellogín, J Parapar, P Castells
Information Retrieval Journal 23, 411-448, 2020
erisk 2020: Self-harm and depression challenges
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
European conference on information retrieval, 557-563, 2020
Collaborative filtering embeddings for memory-based recommender systems
D Valcarce, A Landin, J Parapar, Á Barreiro
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 85, 347-356, 2019
Multi-armed bandits for adjudicating documents in pooling-based evaluation of information retrieval systems
DE Losada, J Parapar, A Barreiro
Information Processing & Management 53 (5), 1005-1025, 2017
Overview of erisk 2018: Early risk prediction on the internet (extended lab overview)
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the CLEF Association …, 2018
Feeling lucky? Multi-armed bandits for ordering judgements in pooling-based evaluation
DE Losada, J Parapar, Á Barreiro
proceedings of the 31st annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1027-1034, 2016
Item-based relevance modelling of recommendations for getting rid of long tail products
D Valcarce, J Parapar, Á Barreiro
Knowledge-Based Systems 103, 41-51, 2016
A Learning-Based Approach for the Identification of Sexual Predators in Chat Logs.
J Parapar, DE Losada, A Barreiro
CLEF (Online working notes/labs/workshop) 1178, 2012
Relevance-based language modelling for recommender systems
J Parapar, A Bellogín, P Castells, Á Barreiro
Information processing & management 49 (4), 966-980, 2013
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2021: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (Extended Overview).
J Parapar, P Martín-Rodilla, DE Losada, F Crestani
CLEF (Working Notes) 1, 864-887, 2021
Score distributions for pseudo relevance feedback
J Parapar, MA Presedo-Quindimil, A Barreiro
Information Sciences 273, 171-181, 2014
Towards unified metrics for accuracy and diversity for recommender systems
J Parapar, F Radlinski
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 75-84, 2021
Writing science, compiling science: The Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing
I Moskowich, J Parapar
Universidade da Coruña, 2008
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2019: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended overview).
DE Losada, F Crestani, J Parapar
CLEF (Working Notes) 4, 21, 2019
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Articles 1–20