Gregory Stock
Cited by
Cited by
Enterprise logistics and supply chain structure: the role of fit
GN Stock, NP Greis, JD Kasarda
Journal of operations management 18 (5), 531-547, 2000
Absorptive capacity and new product development
GN Stock, NP Greis, WA Fischer
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 12 (1), 77-91, 2001
Logistics, strategy and structure: a conceptual framework
GN Stock, NP Greis, JD Kasarda
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 18 (1), 37-52, 1998
Creating dynamic capability: The role of intertemporal integration, knowledge retention, and interpretation
SJ Marsh, GN Stock
Journal of Product Innovation Management 23 (5), 422-436, 2006
Firm size and dynamic technological innovation
GN Stock, NP Greis, WA Fischer
Technovation 22 (9), 537-549, 2002
Organizational culture and advanced manufacturing technology implementation
CM McDermott, GN Stock
Journal of Operations Management 17 (5), 521-533, 1999
Organizational culture, critical success factors, and the reduction of hospital errors
GN Stock, KL McFadden, CR Gowen III
International journal of production economics 106 (2), 368-392, 2007
Building dynamic capabilities in new product development through intertemporal integration
SJ Marsh, GN Stock
Journal of product innovation management 20 (2), 136-148, 2003
Leadership, safety climate, and continuous quality improvement: impact on process quality and patient safety
KL McFadden, GN Stock, CR Gowen III
Health care management review 40 (1), 24-34, 2015
A typology of project-level technology transfer processes
GN Stock, MV Tatikonda
Journal of Operations Management 18 (6), 719-737, 2000
Product technology transfer in the upstream supply chain
MV Tatikonda, GN Stock
Journal of product innovation management 20 (6), 444-467, 2003
The joint influence of technology uncertainty and interorganizational interaction on external technology integration success
GN Stock, MV Tatikonda
Journal of operations management 26 (1), 65-80, 2008
External technology integration in product and process development
GN Stock, MV Tatikonda
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 24 (7), 642-665, 2004
Hospital operations and length of stay performance
C McDermott, GN Stock
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 27 (9), 1020-1042, 2007
Implementation of patient safety initiatives in US hospitals
KL McFadden, GN Stock, CR Gowen III
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26 (3), 326-347, 2006
Exploring strategies for reducing hospital errors
KL McFadden, GN Stock, CR Gowen, P Cook
Journal of Healthcare Management 51 (2), 123, 2006
Simultaneous implementation of Six Sigma and knowledge management in hospitals
CR Gowen Iii, GN Stock, KL McFadden
International Journal of Production Research 46 (23), 6781-6795, 2008
Coping with uncertainty: Knowledge sharing in new product development projects
GN Stock, JCA Tsai, JJ Jiang, G Klein
International Journal of Project Management 39 (1), 59-70, 2021
Organizational and strategic predictors of manufacturing technology implementation success: an exploratory study
GN Stock, CM McDermott
Technovation 21 (10), 625-636, 2001
The use of common parts and designs in high-tech industries: a strategic approach
CM McDermott, GN Stock
Production and Inventory Management Journal 35 (3), 65, 1994
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Articles 1–20