Uwe Cantner
Uwe Cantner
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, University of Southern Denmark - Odense
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The network of innovators in Jena: An application of social network analysis
U Cantner, H Graf
Research policy 35 (4), 463-480, 2006
Scientists’ transition to academic entrepreneurship: Economic and psychological determinants
M Goethner, M Obschonka, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner
Journal of economic psychology 33 (3), 628-641, 2012
Entrepreneurial ecosystems: a dynamic lifecycle model
U Cantner, JA Cunningham, EE Lehmann, M Menter
Small Business Economics 57, 407-423, 2021
Regional characteristics, opportunity perception and entrepreneurial activities
M Stuetzer, M Obschonka, U Brixy, R Sternberg, U Cantner
Small Business Economics 42, 221-244, 2014
Social identity and the transition to entrepreneurship: The role of group identification with workplace peers
M Obschonka, M Goethner, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (1), 137-147, 2012
Classifying technology policy from an evolutionary perspective
U Cantner, A Pyka
Research policy 30 (5), 759-775, 2001
Soft skills, hard skills, and individual innovativeness
AF Hendarman, U Cantner
Eurasian Business Review 8, 139-169, 2018
Entrepreneurial self-identity: predictors and effects within the theory of planned behavior framework
M Obschonka, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner, M Goethner
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 773-794, 2015
Innovator networks and regional knowledge base
U Cantner, A Meder, ALJ Ter Wal
Technovation 30 (9-10), 496-507, 2010
Technological proximity and the choice of cooperation partner
U Cantner, A Meder
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 2, 45-65, 2007
Produktivitäts-und Effizienzanalyse: der nichtparametrische Ansatz
U Cantner, J Krüger, H Hanusch
Springer-Verlag, 2007
Picking the winner? Empirical evidence on the targeting of R&D subsidies to start-ups
U Cantner, S Kösters
Small Business Economics 39, 921-936, 2012
Inventor networks in renewable energies: The influence of the policy mix in Germany
U Cantner, H Graf, J Herrmann, M Kalthaus
Research Policy 45 (6), 1165-1184, 2016
The effects of knowledge management on innovative success–An empirical analysis of German firms
U Cantner, K Joel, T Schmidt
Research policy 40 (10), 1453-1462, 2011
The use of knowledge management by German innovators
U Cantner, K Joel, T Schmidt
Journal of knowledge management 13 (4), 187-203, 2009
Absorbing technological spillovers: simulations in an evolutionary framework
U Cantner, A Pyka
Industrial and Corporate Change 7 (2), 369-397, 1998
Innovation networks: formation, performance and dynamics
U Cantner, H Graf
Handbook on the economic complexity of technological change 366, 2011
Networks and innovation: the role of social assets in explaining firms' innovative capacity
U Cantner, E Conti, A Meder
European Planning Studies 18 (12), 1937-1956, 2010
International research networks in pharmaceuticals: Structure and dynamics
U Cantner, B Rake
Research Policy 43 (2), 333-348, 2014
Do balanced skills help nascent entrepreneurs to make progress in the venture creation process?
M Stuetzer, M Goethner, U Cantner
Economics Letters 117 (1), 186-188, 2012
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