Mark Panning
Mark Panning
Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Global anisotropy and the thickness of continents
Y Gung, M Panning, B Romanowicz
Nature 422 (6933), 707-711, 2003
A three-dimensional radially anisotropic model of shear velocity in the whole mantle
M Panning, B Romanowicz
Geophysical Journal International 167 (1), 361-379, 2006
Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars
WB Banerdt, SE Smrekar, D Banfield, D Giardini, M Golombek, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 183-189, 2020
SEIS: Insight’s seismic experiment for internal structure of Mars
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, D Giardini, WT Pike, U Christensen, P Laudet, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-170, 2019
The seismicity of Mars
D Giardini, P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, U Christensen, S Ceylan, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 205-212, 2020
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, D Giardini, U Christensen, RF Garcia, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 213-220, 2020
Seismic detection of the martian core
SC Stähler, A Khan, WB Banerdt, P Lognonné, D Giardini, S Ceylan, ...
Science 373 (6553), 443-448, 2021
Thickness and structure of the Martian crust from InSight seismic data
B Knapmeyer-Endrun, MP Panning, F Bissig, R Joshi, A Khan, D Kim, ...
Science 373 (6553), 438-443, 2021
Inferences on flow at the base of Earth's mantle based on seismic anisotropy
M Panning, B Romanowicz
Science 303 (5656), 351-353, 2004
Geophysical investigations of habitability in ice‐covered ocean worlds
SD Vance, MP Panning, S Stähler, F Cammarano, BG Bills, G Tobie, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (1), 180-205, 2018
Upper mantle structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
A Khan, S Ceylan, M van Driel, D Giardini, P Lognonné, H Samuel, ...
Science 373 (6553), 434-438, 2021
Importance of crustal corrections in the development of a new global model of radial anisotropy
MP Panning, V Lekić, BA Romanowicz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B12), 2010
InSight: a discovery mission to explore the interior of Mars
WB Banerdt, S Smrekar, P Lognonné, T Spohn, SW Asmar, D Banfield, ...
44th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1915, 2013
Science goals and objectives for the Dragonfly Titan rotorcraft relocatable lander
JW Barnes, EP Turtle, MG Trainer, RD Lorenz, SM MacKenzie, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (4), 130, 2021
The Marsquake catalogue from InSight, sols 0–478
JF Clinton, S Ceylan, M van Driel, D Giardini, SC Stähler, M Böse, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 310, 106595, 2021
Planned products of the Mars structure service for the InSight mission to Mars
MP Panning, P Lognonné, W Bruce Banerdt, R Garcia, M Golombek, ...
Space Science Reviews 211, 611-650, 2017
Pre-mission InSights on the interior of Mars
SE Smrekar, P Lognonné, T Spohn, WB Banerdt, D Breuer, U Christensen, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-72, 2019
Geology and physical properties investigations by the InSight lander
M Golombek, M Grott, G Kargl, J Andrade, J Marshall, N Warner, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-52, 2018
Measurement and implications of frequency dependence of attenuation
V Lekić, J Matas, M Panning, B Romanowicz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 282 (1-4), 285-293, 2009
Verifying single-station seismic approaches using Earth-based data: Preparation for data return from the InSight mission to Mars
MP Panning, É Beucler, M Drilleau, A Mocquet, P Lognonné, WB Banerdt
Icarus 248, 230-242, 2015
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Articles 1–20