Andrés Romero Mier y Terán
Andrés Romero Mier y Terán
PhD Student Computer Vision
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Cited by
Enhanced Local Binary Covariance Matrices (ELBCM) for texture analysis and object tracking
A Romero, G Michèle, L Lionel
6th International Conference on Computer Vision / Computer Graphics …, 2013
Color tracking with contextual switching: Real-time implementation on CPU
F Laguzet, A Romero Mier y Terán, LL Gouiffès, Michèle
Journal of Real Time Image Processing (JRTIP), 2013
Covariance Descriptor Multiple Object Tracking and Re-Identification with Colorspace Evaluation
A Romero, M Gouiffés, L Lacassagne
11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2012
A Hybrid Active Noise Canceling Structure
A Romero, E Lopez, M Nakano-Miyatake, H Perez-Meana
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 2 (2), 340-346, 2008
Real-time covariance tracking algorithm for embedded systems
ARM y Terán, L Lacassagne, AH Zahraee, M Gouiffàs
2013 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing …, 2013
Total Bregman divergence for multiple object tracking
A Romero, L Lacassagne, M Gouiffes
IEEE, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013
Feature points tracking adaptive to saturation
A Romero, M Gouiffes, L Lacassagne
2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2011
A hybrid noise canceling structure with secondary path estimation
A Romero, M Nakano-Miyatake, H Perez-Meana
WSEAS Recent Advances in Systems, Communications and Computers, 194-199, 2008
Covariance tracking: architecture optimizations for embedded systems
A Romero, L Lacassagne, M Gouiffès, AH Zahraee
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014, 1-15, 2014
Color enhanced local binary patterns in covariance matrices descriptors (ELBCM)
M Gouiffes, ARM y Terán, L Lacassagne
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 49, 447-458, 2017
Real-time multi-target tracking: a study on color-texture covariance matrices and descriptor/operator switching
ARM y Teran
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2013
Synthesis of the Low-pass and High-pass Wave Digital Filters.
B Psenicka, FJ García-Ugalde, ARM y Terán
ICINCO-SPSMC, 225-231, 2008
Enhanced local binary covariance matrices (ELBCM) for texture analysis and object tracking.
ARM y Terán, M Gouiffes, L Lacassagne
MIRAGE, 10:1-10:8, 2013
Synthesis of digital structure by matrix method.
B Psenicka, FJ García-Ugalde, LE Salguero, ARM y Terán
SIP, 190-194, 2005
Total Bregman Divergence for Multiple Object Tracking
A Romero Mier y Terán, M Gouiffès, L Lacassagne
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013
Feature Tracking Adaptive to Saturation
A Romero, M Gouiffes, L Lacasagne
Color tracking with contextual switching
F Laguzet, A Romero, M Gouiffes, L Lacassagne, D Etiemble
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Articles 1–17