Marek Tiits
Marek Tiits
Institute of Baltic Studies, TalTech, Policy Lab
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Cited by
Catching up, forging ahead or falling behind? Central and Eastern European development in 1990–2005
M Tiits, R Kattel, T Kalvet, D Tamm
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 21 (1), 65-85, 2008
Innovative tools for tourism and cultural tourism impact assessment
T Kalvet, M Olesk, M Tiits, J Raun
Sustainability 12 (18), 7470, 2020
Smart specialisation in cohesion economies
M Tiits, T Kalvet, I Mürk
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 6, 296-319, 2015
Competitiveness and future outlooks of the Estonian economy: R&D and innovation policy review
M Tiits, R Kattel, T Kalvet, R Kaarli
Tallinn: Estonian Research and Development Council in co-operation with PRAXIS, 2003
Technology-intensive FDI and economic development in a small country–the case of Estonia
M Tiits
Trames 11 (3), 324-342, 2007
Made in Estonia
M Tiits, R Kattel, T Kalvet
Institute of Baltic Studies, 2005
Nordic small countries in the global high-tech value chains: the case of telecommunications systems production in Estonia
M Tiits, T Kalvet
The Other Canon Foundation and Tallinn University of Technology Working …, 2012
Analysis of the Estonian ICT sector innovation system
M Tiits, T Kalvet, T Pihl
Institute of Baltic Studies, 2002
Social acceptance of epassports
M Tiits, T Kalvet, KL Mikko
2014 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group …, 2014
Intelligent piggybacking: a foresight policy tool for small catching-up economies
M Tiits, T Kalvet
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 4 9 (2-3-4), 253-268, 2013
Industrial and trade dynamics in the Baltic Sea region–the last two waves of European Union enlargement from a historic perspective
M Tiits
Working Papers, 2006
E-teenuste kasutamise tulemuslikkus ja mõju
T Kalvet, M Tiits, H Hinsberg
Intra-industry trade in the Baltic Sea region
M Tiits, J Jüriado
Institute of Baltic Studies, Working Paper 2, 2006, 2006
Future trends in digital face manipulation and detection
R Tolosana, C Rathgeb, R Vera-Rodriguez, C Busch, L Verdoliva, S Lyu, ...
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to …, 2022
Cities4ZERO approach to foresight for fostering smart energy transition on municipal level
M Tatar, T Kalvet, M Tiits
Energies 13 (14), 3533, 2020
Coordinated policies and cohesion policies: their relationship and impact on the Member States
J Kalman, M Tiits, S Richter, I Mürk, T Kalvet
GRINCOH Working Paper 7.04, Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and …, 2014
Accurate prediction of international trade flows: Leveraging knowledge graphs and their embeddings
D Rincon-Yanez, C Ounoughi, B Sellami, T Kalvet, M Tiits, S Senatore, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (10 …, 2023
Public acceptance of advanced identity documents
T Kalvet, M Tiits, K Laas-Mikko
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …, 2018
Perspectives for research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) in the wider context of the Europe 2020–growth strategy
G Clar, P Boekholt, C Nauwelaers, C Saublens, M Tiits
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 88, 17-22, 2015
Research and Development in Estonia 2000-2001
M Tiits, R Kaarli, ET Arendusnõukogu
Research and Development Council, 2002
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Articles 1–20