monica rossi
monica rossi
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A new set of principles for pursuing the lean ideal in engineer-to-order manufacturers
D Powell, JO Strandhagen, I Tommelein, G Ballard, M Rossi
Procedia cirp 17, 571-576, 2014
New product development in the fashion industry: an empirical investigation of Italian firms
R Bandinelli, R Rinaldi, M Rossi, S Terzi
International Journal of Engineering Business Management 5, 31, 2013
Towards a Lean Product Service Systems (PSS) Design: state of the art, opportunities and challenges
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, M Rossi, S Terzi, S Cavalieri
Procedia CIRP 30, 191-196, 2015
Lean product development: a five-steps methodology for continuous improvement
M Rossi, M Taisch, S Terzi
2012 18th international ICE conference on engineering, technology and …, 2012
Proposal of a method to systematically identify wastes in New Product Development Process
M Rossi, ET Kerga, M Taisch, S Terzi
2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, 1-9, 2011
Survey report: Improving integration of program management and systems engineering
E Conforto, M Rossi, E Rebentisch, J Oehmen, M Pacenza
MIT Consortium for Engineering Program Excellence, 2013
Lean product development: Fact finding research in Italy
M Rossi, ET Kerga, M Taisch, S Terzi
Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2011
Il lean applicato allo sviluppo nuovo prodotto
M Rossi, S Terzi
Manuali Sistemi & Impresa, 33-46, 2016
Is systems engineering a stifler or an enabler of innovation? A contribute to the ongoing debate
V Arrichiello, M Rossi, S Terzi
2014 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2014
Management of new product development process: the explorative empirical research of the GeCo observatory
M Rossi, M Garetti, S Terzi
Proceedings of the 17th summer school" Francesco Turco", 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–10