Neil Walkinshaw
Neil Walkinshaw
School of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield
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Inferring extended finite state machine models from software executions
N Walkinshaw, R Taylor, J Derrick
Empirical software engineering 21, 811-853, 2016
Inferring finite-state models with temporal constraints
N Walkinshaw, K Bogdanov
Proceedings of the 2008 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2008
The Java system dependence graph
N Walkinshaw, M Roper, M Wood
Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2003. Proceedings. Third IEEE …, 2003
Reverse engineering state machines by interactive grammar inference
N Walkinshaw, K Bogdanov, M Holcombe, S Salahuddin
Reverse Engineering, 2007. WCRE 2007. 14th Working Conference on, 209-218, 2007
Digital-twin-based testing for cyber–physical systems: A systematic literature review
RJ Somers, JA Douthwaite, DJ Wagg, N Walkinshaw, RM Hierons
Information and Software Technology 156, 107145, 2023
STAMINA: a competition to encourage the development and assessment of software model inference techniques
N Walkinshaw, B Lambeau, C Damas, K Bogdanov, P Dupont
Empirical software engineering 18 (4), 791-824, 2013
Increasing functional coverage by inductive testing: a case study
N Walkinshaw, K Bogdanov, J Derrick, J Paris
Testing Software and Systems, 126-141, 2010
Iterative refinement of reverse-engineered models by model-based testing
N Walkinshaw, J Derrick, Q Guo
FM 2009: Formal Methods, 305-320, 2009
Supervised software modularisation
M Hall, N Walkinshaw, P McMinn
2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 472-481, 2012
An evidential reasoning approach for assessing confidence in safety evidence
S Nair, N Walkinshaw, T Kelly, JL de la Vara
2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2015
Automated discovery of state transitions and their functions in source code
N Walkinshaw, K Bogdanov, S Ali, M Holcombe
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 18 (2), 99-121, 2008
How do automatically generated unit tests influence software maintenance?
S Shamshiri, JM Rojas, JP Galeotti, N Walkinshaw, G Fraser
2018 IEEE 11th international conference on software testing, verification …, 2018
Automated comparison of state-based software models in terms of their language and structure
N Walkinshaw, K Bogdanov
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 22 (2), 1-37, 2013
Uncertainty-driven black-box test data generation
N Walkinshaw, G Fraser
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2017
Property-Based Testing-The ProTest Project
J Derrick, N Walkinshaw, T Arts, C Benac Earle, F Cesarini, LA Fredlund, ...
Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 250-271, 2010
Feature location and extraction using landmarks and barriers
N Walkinshaw, M Roper, M Wood
Software Maintenance, 2007. ICSM 2007. IEEE International Conference on, 54-63, 2007
A hybrid approach to modeling biological systems
F Bernardini, M Gheorghe, FJ Romero-Campero, N Walkinshaw
Membrane Computing: 8th International Workshop, WMC 2007 Thessaloniki …, 2007
Assessing and generating test sets in terms of behavioural adequacy
G Fraser, N Walkinshaw
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 25 (8), 749-780, 2015
Computing the structural difference between state-based models
K Bogdanov, N Walkinshaw
Reverse Engineering, 2009. WCRE'09. 16th Working Conference on, 177-186, 2009
Behaviourally adequate software testing
G Fraser, N Walkinshaw
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
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Articles 1–20