Douglas Potter
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Cited by
Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution
J Diemand, M Kuhlen, P Madau, M Zemp, B Moore, D Potter, J Stadel
Nature 454 (7205), 735-738, 2008
Fundamental differences between SPH and grid methods
O Agertz, B Moore, J Stadel, D Potter, F Miniati, J Read, L Mayer, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 380 (3), 963-978, 2007
Concentration, spin and shape of dark matter haloes: scatter and the dependence on mass and environment
AV Maccio, AA Dutton, FC Van Den Bosch, B Moore, D Potter, J Stadel
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 378 (1), 55-71, 2007
Haloes gone MAD: the halo-finder comparison project
A Knebe, SR Knollmann, SI Muldrew, FR Pearce, MA Aragon-Calvo, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 415 (3), 2293-2318, 2011
Quantifying the heart of darkness with GHALO–a multibillion particle simulation of a galactic halo
J Stadel, D Potter, B Moore, J Diemand, P Madau, M Zemp, M Kuhlen, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 398 (1), L21-L25, 2009
Euclid preparation-i. the euclid wide survey
R Scaramella, J Amiaux, Y Mellier, C Burigana, CS Carvalho, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 662, A112, 2022
PKDGRAV3: beyond trillion particle cosmological simulations for the next era of galaxy surveys
D Potter, J Stadel, R Teyssier
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 4 (1), 2, 2017
Dark matter direct detection with non-Maxwellian velocity structure
M Kuhlen, N Weiner, J Diemand, P Madau, B Moore, D Potter, J Stadel, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (02), 030, 2010
Structure finding in cosmological simulations: the state of affairs
A Knebe, FR Pearce, H Lux, Y Ascasibar, P Behroozi, J Casado, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 435 (2), 1618-1658, 2013
Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy
A Schneider, R Teyssier, D Potter, J Stadel, J Onions, DS Reed, RE Smith, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016 (04), 047, 2016
Euclid preparation: II. The EuclidEmulator – a tool to compute the cosmology dependence of the nonlinear matter power spectrum
Euclid Collaboration, M Knabenhans, J Stadel, S Marelli, D Potter, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (4), 5509-5529, 2019
Euclid preparation: IX. EuclidEmulator2 – power spectrum emulation with massive neutrinos and self-consistent dark energy perturbations
Euclid Collaboration, M Knabenhans, J Stadel, D Potter, J Dakin, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (2), 2840-2869, 2021
The graininess of dark matter haloes
M Zemp, J Diemand, M Kuhlen, P Madau, B Moore, D Potter, J Stadel, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 394 (2), 641-659, 2009
Major mergers going Notts: challenges for modern halo finders
P Behroozi, A Knebe, FR Pearce, P Elahi, J Han, H Lux, YY Mao, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454 (3), 3020-3029, 2015
Euclid preparation-X. The Euclid photometric-redshift challenge
G Desprez, S Paltani, J Coupon, I Almosallam, A Alvarez-Ayllon, V Amaro, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 644, A31, 2020
Fossil remnants of reionization in the halo of the Milky Way
P Madau, M Kuhlen, J Diemand, B Moore, M Zemp, D Potter, J Stadel
The Astrophysical Journal 689 (1), L41, 2008
Towards an accurate mass function for precision cosmology
DS Reed, RE Smith, D Potter, A Schneider, J Stadel, B Moore
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 431 (2), 1866-1882, 2013
Euclid preparation-XVIII. The NISP photometric system
M Schirmer, K Jahnke, G Seidel, H Aussel, C Bodendorf, F Grupp, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 662, A92, 2022
Euclid preparation-IV. impact of undetected galaxies on weak-lensing shear measurements
N Martinet, T Schrabback, H Hoekstra, M Tewes, R Herbonnet, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 627, A59, 2019
Euclid preparation-XVII. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields
A Moneti, HJ McCracken, M Shuntov, OB Kauffmann, P Capak, I Davidzon, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 658, A126, 2022
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