Horea-Ioan Ioanas
Cited by
Cited by
KJ Gorgolewski, O Esteban, CJ Markiewicz, E Ziegler, DG Ellis, MP Notter, ...
Software, 2018
DataLad: distributed system for joint management of code, data, and their relationship
YO Halchenko, K Meyer, B Poldrack, DS Solanky, AS Wagner, J Gors, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (63), 3262, 2021
Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience
R Gau, S Noble, K Heuer, KL Bottenhorn, IP Bilgin, YF Yang, ...
Neuron 109 (11), 1769-1775, 2021
Whole-brain opto-fMRI map of mouse VTA dopaminergic activation reflects structural projections with small but significant deviations
HI Ioanas, BJ Saab, M Rudin
Translational Psychiatry 12 (1), 60, 2022
An Optimized Registration Workflow and Standard Geometric Space for Small Animal Brain Imaging
HI Ioanas, M Marks, V Zerbi, MF Yanik, M Rudin
Neuroimage, 2021
Gentoo Linux for Neuroscience — a replicable, flexible, scalable, rolling-release environment that provides direct access to development software
HI Ioanas, BJ Saab, M Rudin
Research Ideas and Outcomes 3, e12095, 2017
An in vivo wound healing model for the characterization of the angiogenic process and its modulation by pharmacological interventions
MK Schneider, HI Ioanas, J Xandry, M Rudin
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6004, 2019
The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)
RA Poldrack, CJ Markiewicz, S Appelhoff, YK Ashar, T Auer, S Baillet, ...
Imaging Neuroscience 2, 1-19, 2024
SAMRI—small animal magnetic resonance imaging
HI Ioanas, M Marks, T Segessemann, D Schmidt, F Aymanns, M Rudin
Zenodo or GitHub 10, 2019
Selective amotivation deficits following chronic psychosocial stress in mice
AT Cabal, HI Ioanas, E Seifritz, BJ Saab
Behavioural brain research 317, 424-433, 2017
An Automated Open-Source Workflow for Standards-Compliant Integration of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
HI Ioanas, M Marks, CM Garin, M Dhenain, MF Yanik, M Rudin
Reproducible self-publishing for Python-based research
HI Ioanas, M Rudin
EuroSciPy, August, 2018
COSplay: Contrast optimized stimulation player
F Aymanns, M Rudin, HI Ioanas
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (39), 1171, 2019
Hybrid fiber optic-fMRI for multimodal cell-specific recording and manipulation of neural activity in rodents
HI Ioanas, F Schlegel, Z Skachokova, A Schroeter, T Husak, M Rudin
Neurophotonics 9 (3), 032206-032206, 2022
Mouse Brain Atlases” generator workflows
HI Ioanas, T Segessemann, M Rudin
Zenodo or GitHub 10, 2019
LabbookDB: A Wet-Work-Tracking Database Application Framework.
HI Ioanas, BJ Saab, M Rudin
SciPy, 20-27, 2017
HeuDiConv—flexible DICOM conversion into structured directory layouts
YO Halchenko, M Goncalves, S Ghosh, P Velasco, ...
Journal of open source software 9 (99), 2024
Whole-brain longitudinal profiling of serotonergic reuptake inhibition
HI Ioanas, BJ Saab, M Rudin
bioRxiv, 2020.08. 10.243899, 2020
Suitability of the new frontier task across mouse housing population sizes
AT Cabal, HI Ioanas, E Seifritz, CR Pryce, BJ Saab
J Matters 2, e201611000019, 2016
Using tandem behaviour-PET to examine dopaminergic signalling underlying exploration
A Müller Herde, HI Ioanas, SD Boss, E Seifritz, SM Ametamey, BJ Saab
Matters, 2017
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Articles 1–20