Frank Dabek
Frank Dabek
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Cited by
Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for internet applications
I Stoica, R Morris, D Liben-Nowell, DR Karger, MF Kaashoek, F Dabek, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 11 (1), 17-32, 2003
Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS
F Dabek, MF Kaashoek, D Karger, R Morris, I Stoica
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 35 (5), 202-215, 2001
Vivaldi: A decentralized network coordinate system
F Dabek, R Cox, F Kaashoek, R Morris
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 34 (4), 15-26, 2004
Towards a common API for structured peer-to-peer overlays
F Dabek, B Zhao, P Druschel, J Kubiatowicz, I Stoica
International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems, 33-44, 2003
Large-scale incremental processing using distributed transactions and notifications
D Peng, F Dabek
9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 10), 2010
Designing a DHT for Low Latency and High Throughput.
F Dabek, J Li, E Sit, J Robertson, MF Kaashoek, RT Morris
NSDI 4, 85-98, 2004
Efficient Replica Maintenance for Distributed Storage Systems.
BG Chun, F Dabek, A Haeberlen, E Sit, H Weatherspoon, MF Kaashoek, ...
NSDI 6, 4-4, 2006
Building peer-to-peer systems with Chord, a distributed lookup service
F Dabek, E Brunskill, MF Kaashoek, D Karger, R Morris, I Stoica, ...
Proceedings Eighth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 81-86, 2001
A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications
I Stoica, R Morris, D Karger, MF Kaashoek, H Balakrishnan, A Chord
Lab. Comput. Sci., Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Tech. Rep. TR-819, 2001
Event-driven programming for robust software
F Dabek, N Zeldovich, F Kaashoek, D Mazieres, R Morris
Proceedings of the 10th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop, 186-189, 2002
Practical, distributed network coordinates
R Cox, F Dabek, F Kaashoek, J Li, R Morris
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 34 (1), 113-118, 2004
F2F: Reliable Storage in Open Networks.
J Li, F Dabek
IPTPS, 2006
Proactive Replication for Data Durability.
E Sit, A Haeberlen, F Dabek, BG Chun, H Weatherspoon, RT Morris, ...
IPTPS, 2006
Multiprocessor support for event-driven programs.
N Zeldovich, A Yip, F Dabek, RT Morris, D Mazieres, MF Kaashoek
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 239-252, 2003
A distributed hash table
FFE Dabek
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005
Bankable postage for network services
M Abadi, A Birrell, M Burrows, F Dabek, T Wobber
Advances in Computing Science–ASIAN 2003. Progamming Languages and …, 2003
A new a ect-perceiving interface and its application to personalized music selection,"
J Healey, R Picard, F Dabek
Proc. Wkshp on Perceptual User Interfaces,(San Francisco), 321-338, 1998
UsenetDHT: A low overhead Usenet server
E Sit, F Dabek, J Robertson
International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, 206-216, 2004
A cooperative file system
FFE Dabek
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001
Learning Euclidean coordinates for Internet hosts
R Cox, F Dabek
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Articles 1–20