shuichi shimma
shuichi shimma
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Loss of α-tubulin polyglutamylation in ROSA22 mice is associated with abnormal targeting of KIF1A and modulated synaptic function
K Ikegami, RL Heier, M Taruishi, H Takagi, M Mukai, S Shimma, S Taira, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (9), 3213-3218, 2007
MALDI-based imaging mass spectrometry revealed abnormal distribution of phospholipids in colon cancer liver metastasis
S Shimma, Y Sugiura, T Hayasaka, Y Hoshikawa, T Noda, M Setou
Journal of Chromatography B 855 (1), 98-103, 2007
Nanoparticle-assisted laser desorption/ionization based mass imaging with cellular resolution
S Taira, Y Sugiura, S Moritake, S Shimma, Y Ichiyanagi, M Setou
Analytical chemistry 80 (12), 4761-4766, 2008
Mass imaging and identification of biomolecules with MALDI-QIT-TOF-based system
S Shimma, Y Sugiura, T Hayasaka, N Zaima, M Matsumoto, M Setou
Analytical chemistry 80 (3), 878-885, 2008
Imaging mass spectrometry technology and application on ganglioside study; visualization of age-dependent accumulation of C20-ganglioside molecular species in the mouse hippocampus
Y Sugiura, S Shimma, Y Konishi, MK Yamada, M Setou
PloS one 3 (9), e3232, 2008
Multi‐turn time‐of‐flight mass spectrometers with electrostatic sectors
M Toyoda, D Okumura, M Ishihara, I Katakuse
Journal of mass spectrometry 38 (11), 1125-1142, 2003
Two-step matrix application technique to improve ionization efficiency for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization in imaging mass spectrometry
Y Sugiura, S Shimma, M Setou
Analytical chemistry 78 (24), 8227-8235, 2006
Thin sectioning improves the peak intensity and signal-to-noise ratio in direct tissue mass spectrometry
Y Sugiura, S Shimma, M Setou
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 54 (2), 45-48, 2006
Miniaturized high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer MULTUM-S II with an infinite flight path
S Shimma, H Nagao, J Aoki, K Takahashi, S Miki, M Toyoda
Analytical Chemistry 82 (20), 8456-8463, 2010
Alternative two‐step matrix application method for imaging mass spectrometry to avoid tissue shrinkage and improve ionization efficiency
S Shimma, Y Takashima, J Hashimoto, K Yonemori, K Tamura, A Hamada
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 48 (12), 1285-1290, 2013
Microscopic visualization of testosterone in mouse testis by use of imaging mass spectrometry
S Shimma, HO Kumada, H Taniguchi, A Konno, I Yao, K Furuta, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 408, 7607-7615, 2016
Tandem mass spectrometry imaging reveals distinct accumulation patterns of steroid structural isomers in human adrenal glands
E Takeo, Y Sugiura, T Uemura, K Nishimoto, M Yasuda, E Sugiyama, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (14), 8918-8925, 2019
A novel approach to in situ proteome analysis using chemical inkjet printing technology and MALDI-QIT-TOF tandem mass spectrometer
S Shimma, M Furuta, K Ichimura, Y YOSHIDA, M SETOU
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 54 (4), 133-140, 2006
Aldosterone and 18-oxocortisol coaccumulation in aldosterone-producing lesions
Y Sugiura, E Takeo, S Shimma, M Yokota, T Higashi, T Seki, Y Mizuno, ...
Hypertension 72 (6), 1345-1354, 2018
Direct MS/MS analysis in mammalian tissue sections using MALDI‐QIT‐TOFMS and chemical inkjet technology
S Shimma, M Furuta, K Ichimura, Y Yoshida, M Setou
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2006
Fusobacterium nucleatum metabolically integrates commensals and pathogens in oral biofilms
A Sakanaka, M Kuboniwa, S Shimma, SA Alghamdi, S Mayumi, ...
Msystems 7 (4), e00170-22, 2022
Effective sample preparations in imaging mass spectrometry
S Shimma, Y Sugiura
Mass Spectrometry 3 (Special_Issue), S0029-S0029, 2014
Mass spectrometry imaging of the capsaicin localization in the capsicum fruits
S Taira, S Shimma, I Osaka, D Kaneko, Y Ichiyanagi, R Ikeda, ...
International Journal of Biotechnology, 2012
Mass microscopy to reveal distinct localization of heme B (m/z 616) in colon cancer liver metastasis
S Shimma, M Setou
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 55 (3), 145-148, 2007
Butenolides from Streptomyces albus J1074 act as external signals to stimulate avermectin production in Streptomyces avermitilis
TB Nguyen, S Kitani, S Shimma, T Nihira
Applied and environmental microbiology 84 (9), e02791-17, 2018
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