Jose Antonio Urigüen
Cited by
Cited by
EEG artifact removal—state-of-the-art and guidelines
JA Urigüen, B Garcia-Zapirain
Journal of neural engineering 12 (3), 031001, 2015
FRI sampling with arbitrary kernels
JA Urigüen, T Blu, PL Dragotti
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (21), 5310 - 5323, 2013
Comparison of background EEG activity of different groups of patients with idiopathic epilepsy using Shannon spectral entropy and cluster-based permutation statistical testing
JA Urigüen, B García-Zapirain, J Artieda, J Iriarte, M Valencia
PLoS One 12 (9), e0184044, 2017
4 Sampling at the rate of innovation: theory and applications
JA Urigüen, YC Eldar, PL Dragotti, Z Ben-Haim
Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications, 148, 2012
On the exponential reproducing kernels for sampling signals with finite rate of innovation
JA Urigüen, PL Dragotti, T Blu
Proceedings of Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), 2011
Sequential local FRI sampling of infinite streams of Diracs
J Onativia, JA Urigüen, PL Dragotti
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Characterization of mechanical properties of adult chests during pre-hospital manual chest compressions through a simple viscoelastic model
SR de Gauna, JJ Gutiérrez, CL Sandoval, JK Russell, I Azcarate, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023
Electroencephalogram artifact removal-validation
JA Urigüen, B Garcia
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 7 (1), 174-180, 2017
Spike sorting at sub-nyquist rates
J Caballero, JA Urigüen, SR Schultz, PL Dragotti
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
Approximate Strang-Fix: sampling infinite streams of Diracs with any kernel
PL Dragotti, J Oñativia, A Urigüen, T Blu
Wavelets and Sparsity XV 8858, 288-295, 2013
The Role of Chest Compressions on Ventilation during Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
SRG Izaskun Azcarate, Jose Antonio Urigüen, Mikel Leturiondo, Camilo ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6918), 2023
Standardisation facilitates reliable interpretation of ETCO2 during manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation
JJ Gutiérrez, JA Urigüen, M Leturiondo, CL Sandoval, K Redondo, ...
Resuscitation 200, 110259, 2024
EEG artifact removal—validation
JA Uriguen, B García
J Med Imag Health Inform 6, 30360-30652, 2018
Exact and approximate Strang-Fix conditions to reconstruct signals with finite rate of innovation from samples taken with arbitrary kernels
JA Uriguen Garaizabal
Imperial College London, 2013
Detection of leaning during chest compressions relying solely on accelerometry using Machine Learning
M Leturiondo
Metrics of impulsiveness of manual chest compressions for out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation
JA Urigüen, SR de Gauna, JJ Gutiérrez, I Azcárate, M Leturiondo, ...
Heliyon 10 (7), 2024
Characterization of Chest Dynamics During Out-of-Hospital Manual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
JA Urigüen, K Redondo, JJ Gutiérrez, I Azcarate, JK Russell, MR Daya, ...
Circulation 148 (Suppl_1), A276-A276, 2023
Characterizing the Components of Impulsiveness for Manual Chest Compressions During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
JA Urigüen, M Leturiondo, K Redondo, JJ Gutiérrez, JK Russell, MR Daya, ...
Circulation 148 (Suppl_1), A277-A277, 2023
Importance of Ventilation Rate When Assessing EtCO2 Levels and Applying TOR Guidelines
M Leturiondo, JA Urigüen, K Redondo, I Azcarate, JJ Gutiérrez, ...
Circulation 148 (Suppl_1), A137-A137, 2023
Variation of Impulsiveness of Manual Chest Compressions during Out-of-hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
JA Urigüen, M Leturiondo
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Articles 1–20