Jolyon Carroll
Jolyon Carroll
Autoliv Development
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A study on the feasibility of measures relating to the protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users
GJL Lawrence, BJ Hardy, JA Carroll, WMS Donaldson, C Visviskis, ...
Transportation Research Library, 2004
Assessment of integrated pedestrian protection systems with autonomous emergency braking (AEB) and passive safety components
M Edwards, A Nathanson, J Carroll, M Wisch, O Zander, N Lubbe
Traffic injury prevention 16 (sup1), S2-S11, 2015
Overview of serious thorax injuries in European frontal car crash accidents and implications for crash test dummy development
J Carroll, T Adolph, C Chauvel, M Labrousse, X Trosseille, C Pastor, ...
Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference, Hannover, Germany, 217-234, 2010
A study on the feasibility of measures relating to the protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users–Final report
GJL Lawrence, BJ Hardy, JA Carroll, WMS Donaldson, C Visvikis, ...
Project report, EC Contract No. FIF 20030937, 2004
Development of injury risk functions for use with the THORAX Demonstrator; an updated THOR
J Davidsson, J Carroll, D Hynd, E Lecuyer, E Song, X Trosseille, A Eggers, ...
Proceedings of the IRCOBI Conference, 359-76, 2014
Relationship between types of head injury and age of pedestrian
D Richards, J Carroll
Accident Analysis & Prevention 47, 16-23, 2012
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
P Lemmen, D Hynd, J Carroll, J Davidsson, B Been, E Song, B Steeger
Benefit and feasibility of a range of new technologies and unregulated measures in the fields of vehicle occupant safety and protection of vulnerable road users
D Hynd, M McCarthy, J Carroll, M Seidl, M Edwards, C Visvikis, M Tress, ...
Analyses of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries in frontal impacts
T Adolph, M Wisch, A Eggers, H Johannsen, R Cuerden, J Carroll, ...
Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference on Biomechanics of Impacts, 2013
An advanced thorax–shoulder design for the THOR dummy
P Lemmen, B Been, J Carroll, D Hynd, J Davidsson, L Martinez, A García, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd ESV Conference, 1-14, 2013
Evaluation of near-side oblique frontal impacts using THOR with SD3 shoulder
C Sunnevång, E Lecuyer, D Hynd, J Carroll, D Kruse, O Boström
Traffic injury prevention 15 (sup1), S96-S102, 2014
Development of an advanced frontal dummy thorax demonstrator
P Lemmen, B Been, J Carroll, D Hynd, J Davidsson, E Song, E Lecuyer
Proceedings of the 2012 IRCOBI Conference, 2012
Restraint system safety diversity in frontal impact accidents
D Hynd, J Carroll, R Cuerden, D Kruse, O Boström
Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of …, 2012
Restraint system safety diversity in frontal impact accidents
D Hynd, JA Carroll, D Richards, R Wood, O Goodacre
TRL Published Project Reports 2011 (PPR577), 1-249, 2011
Comparison of the THORAX Demonstrator and HIII sensitivity to crash severity and occupant restraint variation
C Sunnevång, D Hynd, J Carroll, M Dahlgren
Proceedings of the IRCOBI Conference, 2014
Matrix of serious thorax injuries by occupant characteristics, impact conditions and restraint type and identification of the important injury mechanisms to be considered in …
J Carroll, R Cuerden, D Richards, S Smith, R Cookson, D Hynd, T Adolph, ...
COVER project GA, 2009
Motorcyclist injuries: Analysis of German in-depth crash data to identify priorities for injury assessment and prevention
F Gidion, J Carroll, N Lubbe
Accident Analysis & Prevention 163, 106463, 2021
Development of the Q10 10 Year-Old child crash test dummy
P Lemmen, K Waagmeester, M Burleigh, A Lakshminarayana, ...
24th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV), 2013
Assessing lap belt path and submarining risk in booster seats: Abdominal pressure twin sensors vs. anterior-superior iliac spine load cells
C Visvikis, J Carroll, M Pitcher, K Waagmeester
Proceedings of the IRCOBI Conference, 2018
Provision of information and services to perform an initial assessment of additional functional safety and vehicle construction requirements for L7e-A heavy on-road quads
M Edwards, M Seidl, J Carroll, A Nathanson
Transport Research Laboratory: Wokingham, UK, 139-152, 2014
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