Zerrin Salikutluk
Zerrin Salikutluk
Assistant Professor for Migration and Gender, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Why do immigrant students aim high? Explaining the aspiration–achievement paradox of immigrants in Germany
Z Salikutluk
European Sociological Review 32 (5), 581-592, 2016
Social influence or selection? Peer effects on the development of adolescents’ educational expectations in Germany
G Lorenz, Z Boda, Z Salikutluk, M Jansen
British Journal of Sociology of Education 41 (5), 643-669, 2020
Do Gender Roles and Norms Affect Performance in Maths? The Impact of Adolescents’ and their Peers’ Gender Conceptions on Maths Grades
Z Salikutluk, S Heyne
European Sociological Review, 2017
Immigrants’ Aspiration Paradox. Theoretical explanations and determinants of the aspiration gap between native and immigrant students
Z Salikutluk
MZES Working Paper 150, 2013
Arbeitsmarktintegration in Deutschland: Geflüchtete Frauen müssen viele Hindernisse überwinden
Y Kosyakova, L Gundacker, Z Salikutluk, P Trübswetter
IAB-Kurzbericht, 2021
Auf die „richtigen “Kontakte kommt es an! Soziale Ressourcen und die Bildungsaspirationen der Mütter von Haupt-, Real-und Gesamtschülern in Deutschland
T Roth, Z Salikutluk, I Kogan
Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule: Die Generierung von ethnischen und …, 2010
Gendered integration? How recently arrived male and female refugees fare on the German labour market
Z Salikutluk, K Menke
Journal of Family Research 33 (2), 284-321, 2021
Attitudes and expectations: do attitudes towards education mediate the relationship between social networks and parental expectations?
T Roth, Z Salikutluk
British Journal of Sociology of Education 33 (5), 701-722, 2012
Viele Geflüchtete brachten Berufserfahrung mit, aber nur ein Teil einen Berufsabschluss
E Liebau, Z Salikutluk
DIW Wochenbericht 83 (35), 732-740, 2016
Geflüchtete nahmen in Deutschland später eine Erwerbstätigkeit auf als andere MigrantInnen
Z Salikutluk, J Giesecke, M Kroh
DIW Wochenbericht 83 (35), 749-756, 2016
Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten: Potenziale, Perspektiven und Herausforderungen
J Wiedner, Z Salikutluk, J Giesecke
Verbundprojekt ‚Flucht: Forschung und Transfer’, State-of-Research Papier 7, 2018
Refugees entered the labor market later than other migrants
Z Salikutluk, J Giesecke, M Kroh
DIW Economic Bulletin 6 (34/35), 407-413, 2016
Aiming high, no matter what?: educational aspirations of ethnic minority and ethnic majority youth in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
F Rudolphi, Z Salikutluk
Comparative Sociology 20 (1), 70-100, 2021
The situation of female immigrants on the German labour market: A multi-perspective approach
Z Salikutluk, J Giesecke, M Kroh
SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research, 2020
Wer ist tatsächlich benachteiligt? Die wirkung traditioneller geschlechterrollen auf Schulische Leistungen und elterliche aspirationen in deutschen und Türkischen Familien/Who …
Z Salikutluk, S Heyne
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 43 (6), 421-440, 2014
Oppositional culture revisited. Friendship dynamics and the creation of social capital among Turkish minority adolescents in Germany
G Lorenz, Z Boda, Z Salikutluk
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (17), 3986-4005, 2021
The link between social and structural integration: co-and interethnic friendship selection and social influence within adolescent social networks
G Lorenz, Z Salikutluk, Z Boda, M Jansen, M Hewstone
Sociological Science 8, 371-396, 2021
Many refugees have work experience but a smaller share possess formal vocational qualifications
E Liebau, Z Salikutluk
DIW Economic Bulletin 6 (34/35), 392-399, 2016
Gender employment gap at arrival and its dynamics: The case of refugees in Germany
Y Kosyakova, Z Salikutluk, J Hartmann
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 87, 100842, 2023
Die Integration Geflüchteter: Erkenntnisse aus der Vergangenheit
P Eisnecker, J Giesecke, M Kroh, E Liebau, J Marcus, Z Salikutluk, ...
DIW Wochenbericht 83 (35), 727-730, 2016
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