Jord J. Warmink
Jord J. Warmink
Dept. Civil Engineering and Management, Marine and Fluvial Systems group
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Identification and classification of uncertainties in the application of environmental models
JJ Warmink, J Janssen, MJ Booij, MS Krol
Environmental modelling & software 25 (12), 1518-1527, 2010
Identification and quantification of uncertainties in a hydrodynamic river model using expert opinions
JJ Warmink, H Van der Klis, MJ Booij, SJMH Hulscher
Water resources management 25, 601-622, 2011
Two novel methods for field measurements of hydrodynamic density of floodplain vegetation using terrestrial laser scanning and digital parallel photography
MW Straatsma, JJ Warmink, H Middelkoop
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (5), 1595-1617, 2008
Numerical modelling of wave overtopping at dikes using OpenFOAM®
W Chen, JJ Warmink, MRA Van Gent, S Hulscher
Coastal Engineering 166, 103890, 2021
An analytical model of wave overtopping flow velocities on dike crests and landward slopes
VM van Bergeijk, JJ Warmink, MRA van Gent, SJMH Hulscher
Coastal engineering 149, 28-38, 2019
Quantification of uncertainty in design water levels due to uncertain bed form roughness in the Dutch river Waal
JJ Warmink, MJ Booij, H Van der Klis, SJMH Hulscher
Hydrological processes 27 (11), 1646-1663, 2013
Modelling effects of an asphalt road at a dike crest on dike cover erosion onset during wave overtopping
A Bomers, JP Aguilar Lopez, JJ Warmink, SJMH Hulscher
Natural hazards 93, 1-30, 2018
The influence of a berm and roughness on the wave overtopping at dikes
W Chen, MRA Van Gent, JJ Warmink, S Hulscher
Coastal engineering 156, 103613, 2020
Uncertainty of design water levels due to combined bed form and vegetation roughness in the D utch R iver W aal
JJ Warmink, MW Straatsma, F Huthoff, MJ Booij, SJMH Hulscher
Journal of flood risk management 6 (4), 302-318, 2013
Efficient uncertainty quantification for impact analysis of human interventions in rivers
KD Berends, JJ Warmink, S Hulscher
Environmental modelling & software 107, 50-58, 2018
Understanding river dune splitting through flume experiments and analysis of a dune evolution model
JJ Warmink, CM Dohmen‐Janssen, J Lansink, S Naqshband, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 39 (9), 1208-1220, 2014
River dune dynamics during low flows
LR Lokin, JJ Warmink, A Bomers, S Hulscher
Geophysical research letters 49 (8), e2021GL097127, 2022
Uncertainty quantification of flood mitigation predictions and implications for interventions
KD Berends, MW Straatsma, JJ Warmink, SJMH Hulscher
Natural hazards and Earth system sciences 19 (8), 1737-1753, 2019
Failure of grass covered flood defences with roads on top due to wave overtopping: A probabilistic assessment method
JP Aguilar-López, JJ Warmink, A Bomers, RMJ Schielen, SJMH Hulscher
Journal of marine science and engineering 6 (3), 74, 2018
Uncertainty in water level predictions due to various calibrations
JJ Warmink, MJ Booij, H Klis, S Hulscher
CAIWA, Basel, 2007, 2007
Modelling the wave overtopping flow over the crest and the landward slope of grass-covered flood defences
VM van Bergeijk, JJ Warmink, SJMH Hulscher
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (7), 489, 2020
Coping with uncertainty in river management: Challenges and ways forward
JJ Warmink, M Brugnach, J Vinke-de Kruijf, RMJ Schielen, DCM Augustijn
Water resources management 31, 4587-4600, 2017
Dune dynamics and roughness under gradually varying flood waves, comparing flume and field observations
JJ Warmink
Advances in geosciences 39, 115-121, 2014
The cross-dike failure probability by wave overtopping over grass-covered and damaged dikes
VM van Bergeijk, VA Verdonk, JJ Warmink, SJMH Hulscher
Water 13 (5), 690, 2021
Modelling dike cover erosion by overtopping waves: the effects of transitions
VM van Bergeijk, JJ Warmink, M Frankena, SJMH Hulscher
Coastal Structures Conference 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–20