Che Jin Bae
Che Jin Bae
Sr. Process Development Engineer, Panasonic USA
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Cited by
Monodisperse Nanoparticles of Ni and NiO: Synthesis, Characterization, Self‐Assembled Superlattices, and Catalytic Applications in the Suzuki Coupling Reaction
J Park, E Kang, SU Son, HM Park, MK Lee, J Kim, KW Kim, HJ Noh, ...
Advanced Materials 17 (4), 429-434, 2005
Large‐scale synthesis of uniform and crystalline magnetite nanoparticles using reverse micelles as nanoreactors under reflux conditions
Y Lee, J Lee, CJ Bae, JG Park, HJ Noh, JH Park, T Hyeon
Advanced Functional Materials 15 (3), 503-509, 2005
Magnetoelectric effects of nanoparticulate Pb (Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48) O 3–NiFe 2 O 4 composite films
H Ryu, P Murugavel, JH Lee, SC Chae, TW Noh, YS Oh, HJ Kim, KH Kim, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (10), 102907-102907-3, 2006
Novel synthesis of magnetic Fe2P nanorods from thermal decomposition of continuously delivered precursors using a syringe pump
J Park, B Koo, Y Hwang, C Bae, K An, JG Park, HM Park, T Hyeon
Angewandte Chemie 116 (17), 2332-2335, 2004
Synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties of uniform-sized MnO nanospheres and nanorods
J Park, E Kang, CJ Bae, JG Park, HJ Noh, JY Kim, JH Park, HM Park, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (36), 13594-13598, 2004
Experimental studies of strong dipolar interparticle interaction in monodisperse Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles
CJ Bae, S Angappane, JG Park, Y Lee, J Lee, K An, T Hyeon
Applied Physics Letters 91 (10), 102502-102502-3, 2007
Influence of thickness on crystallinity in wafer-scale GaTe nanolayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
CJ Bae, J McMahon, H Detz, G Strasser, J Park, E Einarsson, DB Eason
AIP Advances 7 (3), 035113, 2017
Growth and characterization of epitaxial barium titanate and cobalt ferrite composite film
SC Chae, P Murugavel, JH Lee, HJ Ryu, TW Noh, C Bae, JG Park
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 47, S345-S348, 2005
Inter-particle and interfacial interaction of magnetic nanoparticles
CJ Bae, Y Hwang, J Park, K An, Y Lee, J Lee, T Hyeon, JG Park
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2), e806-e808, 2007
Modulated orientation-sensitive terahertz spectroscopy
R Singh, DK George, C Bae, KA Niessen, AG Markelz
Photonics Research 4 (3), A1-A8, 2016
Magnetic properties of Ni nanostructures fabricated using anodic aluminum oxide templates
MJ Kim, YW Kim, JS Lee, JB Yoo, CY Park, CJ Bae, JG Park
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 47 (2), 313-317, 2005
A Study on the Temperature Dependence of the Ginzburg-Landau Parameter, Thermodynamic and Upper Critical Field of Nb 3 Sn Strands
S Oh, DK Oh, CJ Bae, HC Kim, K Kim
Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on 17 (2), 2635-2638, 2007
Use of Self-assembled Plasmonic Hole Arrays on AlGaAs/GaAs 2DEG for Large Area Terahertz Applicaton
CJ Bae, G Strasser, AG Markelz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.00892, 2015
A Tunable Terahertz Detector Based On Self Assembled Plasmonic Structure on a GaAs 2DEG
CJ Bae, D George, R Singh, G Strasser, A Markelz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.1937, 2014
Large area self assembled tunable terahertz detector
CJ Bae, DK George, R Singh, A Markelz
Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2011 36th …, 2011
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Articles 1–15