Rasmus Pagh
Cited by
Cited by
Advances and open problems in federated learning
P Kairouz, HB McMahan, B Avent, A Bellet, M Bennis, AN Bhagoji, ...
Foundations and trends® in machine learning 14 (1–2), 1-210, 2021
Cuckoo Hashing
R Pagh, FF Rodler
Journal of Algorithms 51 (2), 122-144, 2004
Cuckoo hashing
R Pagh, FF Rodler
European Symposium on Algorithms, 121-133, 2001
Fast and scalable polynomial kernels via explicit feature maps
N Pham, R Pagh
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2013
Space efficient hash tables with worst case constant access time
D Fotakis, R Pagh, P Sanders, P Spirakis
Theory of Computing Systems 38 (2), 229-248, 2005
An optimal Bloom filter replacement.
A Pagh, R Pagh, SS Rao
Soda 5, 823-829, 2005
Colorful triangle counting and a mapreduce implementation
R Pagh, CE Tsourakakis
Information Processing Letters 112 (7), 277-281, 2012
Low redundancy in static dictionaries with constant query time
R Pagh
SIAM Journal on Computing 31 (2), 353-363, 2001
Tight thresholds for cuckoo hashing via XORSAT
M Dietzfelbinger, A Goerdt, M Mitzenmacher, A Montanari, R Pagh, ...
Automata, Languages and Programming: 37th International Colloquium, ICALP …, 2010
Compressed matrix multiplication
R Pagh
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 5 (3), 1-17, 2013
Simple and space-efficient minimal perfect hash functions
FC Botelho, R Pagh, N Ziviani
Algorithms and Data Structures: 10th International Workshop, WADS 2007 …, 2007
A near-linear time approximation algorithm for angle-based outlier detection in high-dimensional data
N Pham, R Pagh
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2012
Deterministic dictionaries
T Hagerup, PB Miltersen, R Pagh
Journal of Algorithms 41 (1), 69-85, 2001
Monotone Minimal Perfect Hashing: Searching a Sorted Table with O(1) Accesses
D Belazzougui, P Boldi, R Pagh, S Vigna
Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2009
Oblivious sketching of high-degree polynomial kernels
TD Ahle, M Kapralov, JBT Knudsen, R Pagh, A Velingker, DP Woodruff, ...
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2020
Uniform hashing in constant time and optimal space
A Pagh, R Pagh
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (1), 85-96, 2008
Scalable and differentially private distributed aggregation in the shuffled model
B Ghazi, R Pagh, A Velingker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.08320, 2019
Cuckoo hashing for undergraduates
R Pagh
Lecture note, IT University of Copenhagen, 2006
On the power of multiple anonymous messages: Frequency estimation and selection in the shuffle model of differential privacy
B Ghazi, N Golowich, R Kumar, R Pagh, A Velingker
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2021: 40th Annual International Conference …, 2021
Succinct data structures for retrieval and approximate membership
M Dietzfelbinger, R Pagh
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 385-396, 2008
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Articles 1–20