Katrin Niglas
Katrin Niglas
Prof, Vice-Rector for Research, Tallinn University
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The combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods in educational research
K Niglas
Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu, 2004
Kartta kasvatustieteen maastosta
HLT Heikkinen, R Huttunen, K Niglas, P Tynjälä
Kasvatus: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen aikakauskirja 36 (2005): 5, 2005
The multidimensional model of research methodology: An integrated set of continua
K Niglas
Mixed methods in social and behavioral research (2nd ed., pp. 215-236 …, 2010
Expanding thinking through a kaleidoscopic look into the future: Implications of the mixed methods international research association’s task force report on the future of mixed …
DM Mertens, P Bazeley, L Bowleg, N Fielding, J Maxwell, ...
Journal of mixed methods research 10 (3), 221-227, 2016
How the novice researcher can make sense of mixed methods designs
K Niglas
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 3 (1), 34-46, 2009
The future of mixed methods: A five year projection to 2020
DM Mertens, P Bazeley, L Bowleg, N Fielding, J Maxwell, ...
Mixed methods international research association, 2016
Combining quantitative and qualitative approaches
K Niglas
European Conference on Educational Research 20, 23, 2000
Paradigms and methodology in educational research
K Niglas
European conference on educational research, Lille, 5-8, 2001
Quantitative and qualitative inquiry in educational research: Is there a paradigmatic difference between them
K Niglas
European conference on educational research 23, 1999
Manufacturing strategies and choices in cultural contexts
R Alas, A Kraus, K Niglas
Journal of Business Economics and Management 10 (4), 279-289, 2009
Language attitudes of Estonian secondary school students
M Ehala, K Niglas
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 5 (3), 209-227, 2006
Introducing the qualitative-quantitative continuum: An alternative view of teaching research methods courses
K Niglas
Learning and teaching of research methods at university, 185-203, 2007
Soft ontologies, spatial representations and multi‐perspective explorability
M Kaipainen, P Normak, K Niglas, J Kippar, M Laanpere
Expert systems 25 (5), 474-483, 2008
Human Resource Management in Cultural Context: Empirical Study of 11 Countries.
R Alas, T Kaarelson, K Niglas
EBS Review, 2008
Media Review: Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet Software.
K Niglas
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1 (3), 297-299, 2007
Empirical evaluation of a mathematical model of ethnolinguistic vitality: The case of Voro
M Ehala, K Niglas
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 28 (6), 427-444, 2007
Managerial values and employee commitment in a cultural context
R Alas, N Papalexandris, E Galanaki, K Niglas
Alas, R., Papalexandris, N., Niglas, K., and Galanaki, E.(2011)." Managerial …, 2014
Estonian preschool teachers' views on learning in preschool
A Ugaste, M Tuul, K Niglas, E Neudorf
Early Child Development and Care 184 (3), 370-385, 2014
Multi-perspective exploration as a tool for mixed methods research
K Niglas, M Kaipainen, J Kippar
Advances in mixed methods research, 172-188, 2008
Estonian and Russian parental attitudes to childrearing and play
A Saar, K Niglas
Early Child Development and Care 168 (1), 39-47, 2001
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Articles 1–20