Stéphane Genevay
Stéphane Genevay
Pr of Rheumatology, dpt of medicine, University Hospitals of Geneva
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What low back pain is and why we need to pay attention
J Hartvigsen, MJ Hancock, A Kongsted, Q Louw, ML Ferreira, S Genevay, ...
The Lancet 391 (10137), 2356-2367, 2018
Prevention and treatment of low back pain: evidence, challenges, and promising directions
NE Foster, JR Anema, D Cherkin, R Chou, SP Cohen, DP Gross, ...
The Lancet 391 (10137), 2368-2383, 2018
Low back pain: a call for action
R Buchbinder, M van Tulder, B Öberg, LM Costa, A Woolf, M Schoene, ...
The Lancet 391 (10137), 2384-2388, 2018
Lumbar spinal stenosis
S Genevay, SJ Atlas
Best practice & research Clinical rheumatology 24 (2), 253-265, 2010
JP Valat, S Genevay, M Marty, S Rozenberg, B Koes
Best practice & research Clinical rheumatology 24 (2), 241-252, 2010
Anti‐cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, IgM and IgA rheumatoid factors in the diagnosis and prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis
S Bas, S Genevay, O Meyer, C Gabay
Rheumatology 42 (5), 677-680, 2003
Efficacy of etanercept in the treatment of acute, severe sciatica: a pilot study
S Genevay, S Stingelin, C Gabay
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 63 (9), 1120-1123, 2004
Tolerance and effectiveness of anti–tumor necrosis factor α therapies in elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A population‐based cohort study
S Genevay, A Finckh, A Ciurea, AM Chamot, D Kyburz, C Gabay, ...
Arthritis Care & Research 57 (4), 679-685, 2007
Variation in eligibility criteria from studies of radiculopathy due to a herniated disc and of neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis: a structured literature review
S Genevay, SJ Atlas, JN Katz
Spine 35 (7), 803-811, 2010
Elevated levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in periradicular fat tissue in patients with radiculopathy from herniated disc
S Genevay, A Finckh, M Payer, F Mezin, E Tessitore, C Gabay, PA Guerne
Spine 33 (19), 2041-2046, 2008
Association of interleukin‐4 and interleukin‐1B gene variants with Larsen score progression in rheumatoid arthritis
S Genevay, FS Di Giovine, TV Perneger, T Silvestri, S Stingelin, G Duff, ...
Arthritis Care & Research 47 (3), 303-309, 2002
The course of opioid prescribing for a new episode of disabling low back pain: opioid features and dose escalation
M Cifuentes, B Webster, S Genevay, G Pransky
PAIN® 151 (1), 22-29, 2010
Adalimumab in severe and acute sciatica: A multicenter, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial
S Genevay, S Viatte, A Finckh, P Zufferey, F Balagué, C Gabay
Arthritis & rheumatism 62 (8), 2339-2346, 2010
Validity and reliability of the French version of the STarT Back screening tool for patients with low back pain
O Bruyère, M Demoulin, C Beaudart, JC Hill, D Maquet, S Genevay, ...
Spine 39 (2), E123-E128, 2014
Inflammatory pain pattern and pain with lumbar extension associated with Modic 1 changes on MRI: a prospective case–control study of 120 patients
F Bailly, JY Maigne, S Genevay, M Marty, F Gandjbakhch, S Rozenberg, ...
European Spine Journal 23, 493-497, 2014
Influence of cytokine inhibitors on concentration and activity of MMP-1 and MMP-3 in disc herniation
S Genevay, A Finckh, F Mezin, E Tessitore, PA Guerne
Arthritis research & therapy 11, 1-7, 2009
Big five personality traits and disabling chronic low back pain: association with fear-avoidance, anxious and depressive moods
ME Ibrahim, K Weber, DS Courvoisier, S Genevay
Journal of pain research, 745-754, 2020
Effects of unstable shoes on chronic low back pain in health professionals: a randomized controlled trial
S Armand, Z Tavcar, K Turcot, L Allet, P Hoffmeyer, S Genevay
Joint Bone Spine 81 (6), 527-532, 2014
Effectiveness of preventive back educational interventions for low back pain: a critical review of randomized controlled clinical trials
C Demoulin, M Marty, S Genevay, M Vanderthommen, G Mahieu, ...
European Spine Journal 21, 2520-2530, 2012
Adalimumab in acute sciatica reduces the long-term need for surgery: a 3-year follow-up of a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial
S Genevay, A Finckh, P Zufferey, S Viatte, F Balagué, C Gabay
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 71 (4), 560-562, 2012
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