Aristotelis Chatziioannou
Aristotelis Chatziioannou
Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
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Cited by
Coactivation of GR and NFKB alters the repertoire of their binding sites and target genes
NAS Rao, MT McCalman, P Moulos, KJ Francoijs, A Chatziioannou, ...
Genome research 21 (9), 1404-1416, 2011
Comparative expression profiling in pulmonary fibrosis suggests a role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in disease pathogenesis
A Tzouvelekis, V Harokopos, T Paparountas, N Oikonomou, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 176 (11), 1108-1119, 2007
Dual IRE 1 RN ase functions dictate glioblastoma development
S Lhomond, T Avril, N Dejeans, K Voutetakis, D Doultsinos, M McMahon, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 10 (3), e7929, 2018
Performance in omics analyses of blood samples in long-term storage: opportunities for the exploitation of existing biobanks in environmental health research
Environmental health perspectives 121 (4), 480-487, 2013
Low-protein diet induces IRE1α-dependent anticancer immunosurveillance
C Rubio-Patino, JP Bossowski, GM De Donatis, L Mondragon, E Villa, ...
Cell Metabolism 27 (4), 828-842. e7, 2018
CD90/Thy-1, a cancer-associated cell surface signaling molecule
C Sauzay, K Voutetakis, A Chatziioannou, E Chevet, T Avril
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 7, 66, 2019
Role of the early secretory pathway in SARS-CoV-2 infection
D Sicari, A Chatziioannou, T Koutsandreas, R Sitia, E Chevet
Journal of Cell Biology 219 (9), 2020
Epigenetic memory in response to environmental stressors
P Vineis, A Chatziioannou, VT Cunliffe, JM Flanagan, M Hanson, ...
The FASEB Journal 31 (6), 2241-2251, 2017
Radial basis function neural networks classification for the recognition of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in microscopic images
I Maglogiannis, H Sarimveis, CT Kiranoudis, AA Chatziioannou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12 (1), 42-54, 2008
Discovery and characterization of a thermostable and highly halotolerant GH5 cellulase from an icelandic hot spring isolate
D Zarafeta, D Kissas, C Sayer, SR Gudbergsdottir, E Ladoukakis, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146454, 2016
Radiogenomic analysis of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and gene expression data elucidates the epidemiological complexity of colorectal cancer landscape
EI Vlachavas, E Pilalis, O Papadodima, D Koczan, S Willis, S Klippel, ...
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 17, 177-185, 2019
An in silico compartmentalized metabolic model of Brassica napus enables the systemic study of regulatory aspects of plant central metabolism
E Pilalis, A Chatziioannou, B Thomasset, F Kolisis
Biotechnology and bioengineering 108 (7), 1673-1682, 2011
Metagenomic mining for thermostable esterolytic enzymes uncovers a new family of bacterial esterases
D Zarafeta, D Moschidi, E Ladoukakis, S Gavrilov, ED Chrysina, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 38886, 2016
Control of anterior GR adient 2 (AGR 2) dimerization links endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis to inflammation
M Maurel, J Obacz, T Avril, YP Ding, O Papadodima, X Treton, F Daniel, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 11 (6), e10120, 2019
Epigenetics in breast cancer therapy—New strategies and future nanomedicine perspectives
V Buocikova, I Rios-Mondragon, E Pilalis, A Chatziioannou, S Miklikova, ...
Cancers 12 (12), 3622, 2020
KEGGconverter: a tool for the in-silico modelling of metabolic networks of the KEGG Pathways database
K Moutselos, I Kanaris, A Chatziioannou, I Maglogiannis, FN Kolisis
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-12, 2009
Integrative workflows for metagenomic analysis
E Ladoukakis, FN Kolisis, AA Chatziioannou
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 2, 70, 2014
Gene ARMADA: an integrated multi-analysis platform for microarray data implemented in MATLAB
A Chatziioannou, P Moulos, FN Kolisis
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-9, 2009
A transcriptomic computational analysis of mastic oil-treated Lewis lung carcinomas reveals molecular mechanisms targeting tumor cell growth and survival
P Moulos, O Papadodima, A Chatziioannou, H Loutrari, C Roussos, ...
BMC Medical Genomics 2, 1-15, 2009
Regulated IRE1α-dependent decay (RIDD)-mediated reprograming of lipid metabolism in cancer
A Almanza, K Mnich, A Blomme, CM Robinson, G Rodriguez-Blanco, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2493, 2022
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Articles 1–20