Chris Field
Chris Field
Professor of Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
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Cited by
Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis: a new method of estimating predator diets
SJ Iverson, C Field, W Don Bowen, W Blanchard
Ecological monographs 74 (2), 211-235, 2004
Laryngoscopic intubation: learning and performance
JT Mulcaster, J Mills, OR Hung, K MacQuarrie, JA Law, S Pytka, D Imrie, ...
The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 98 (1), 23-27, 2003
Bootstrapping clustered data
CA Field, AH Welsh
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2007
Small sample asymptotics
CA Field, E Ronchetti
Ims, 1990
Robust linear model selection by cross-validation
E Ronchetti, C Field, W Blanchard
Journal of the American Statistical Association 92 (439), 1017-1023, 1997
Using fixed-effects model multivariate analysis of variance in marine biology and ecology
CR Johnson, CA Field
Oceanography and marine biology. An annual review, Vol. 31, 177-221, 1993
Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters
TJ DiCICCIO, CA Field, DAS Fraser
Biometrika 77 (1), 77-95, 1990
State-space models’ dirty little secrets: even simple linear Gaussian models can have estimation problems
M Auger-Méthé, C Field, CM Albertsen, AE Derocher, MA Lewis, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26677, 2016
Estimation of single-generation sibling relationships based on DNA markers
A Almudevar, C Field
Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics, 136-165, 1999
Robust estimation: A weighted maximum likelihood approach
C Field, B Smith
International Statistical Review/Revue Internationale de Statistique, 405-424, 1994
Accuracy, efficiency and robustness of four algorithms allowing full sibship reconstruction from DNA marker data
K Butler, C Field, CM Herbinger, BR Smith
Molecular Ecology 13 (6), 1589-1600, 2004
The variability among populations of coho salmon in the maximum reproductive rate and depensation
NJ Barrowman, RA Myers, R Hilborn, DG Kehler, CA Field
Ecological Applications 13 (3), 784-793, 2003
Small sample asymptotic expansions for multivariate M-estimates
C Field
The Annals of Statistics, 672-689, 1982
The Multivariate g-and-h Distribution
C Field, MG Genton
Technometrics 48 (1), 104-111, 2006
Small-sample asymptotic distributions of M-estimators of location
CA Field, FR Hampel
Biometrika 69 (1), 29-46, 1982
Robust estimation of extremes
DJ Dupuis, CA Field
Canadian Journal of Statistics 26 (2), 199-215, 1998
Solution of a satisficing model for random payoff games
RG Cassidy, CA Field, MJL Kirby
Management Science 19 (3), 266-271, 1972
Estimation of rates-across-sites distributions in phylogenetic substitution models
E Susko, C Field, C Blouin, AJ Roger
Systematic biology 52 (5), 594-603, 2003
Managing the essential zeros in quantitative fatty acid signature analysis
C Stewart, C Field
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 16, 45-69, 2011
Mapping species richness and human impact drivers to inform global pelagic conservation prioritisation
R Trebilco, BS Halpern, JM Flemming, C Field, W Blanchard, B Worm
Biological Conservation 144 (5), 1758-1766, 2011
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Articles 1–20