Aaron Bramson
Aaron Bramson
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Understanding polarization: Meanings, measures, and model evaluation
A Bramson, P Grim, DJ Singer, WJ Berger, G Sack, S Fisher, C Flocken, ...
Philosophy of science 84 (1), 115-159, 2017
Disambiguation of social polarization concepts and measures
A Bramson, P Grim, DJ Singer, S Fisher, W Berger, G Sack, C Flocken
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 40 (2), 80-111, 2016
Rational social and political polarization
DJ Singer, A Bramson, P Grim, B Holman, J Jung, K Kovaka, A Ranginani, ...
Philosophical Studies 176, 2243-2267, 2019
Emergent cultural signatures and persistent diversity: A model of conformity and consistency
J Bednar, A Bramson, A Jones-Rooy, S Page
Rationality and Society 22 (4), 407-444, 2010
Statistical physics of balance theory
AM Belaza, K Hoefman, J Ryckebusch, A Bramson, M van den Heuvel, ...
PLoS one 12 (8), e0183696, 2017
Diversity, ability, and expertise in epistemic communities
P Grim, DJ Singer, A Bramson, B Holman, S McGeehan, WJ Berger
Philosophy of Science 86 (1), 98-123, 2019
Scientific networks on data landscapes: Question difficulty, epistemic success, and convergence
P Grim, DJ Singer, S Fisher, A Bramson, WJ Berger, C Reade, C Flocken, ...
Episteme 10 (4), 441-464, 2013
Conformity, consistency, and cultural heterogeneity
J Bednar, S Page, A Bramson, A Jones-Rooy
Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2006
A multidisciplinary understanding of polarization.
J Jung, P Grim, DJ Singer, A Bramson, WJ Berger, B Holman, K Kovaka
American Psychologist 74 (3), 301, 2019
Social stability and extended social balance—Quantifying the role of inactive links in social networks
AM Belaza, J Ryckebusch, A Bramson, C Casert, K Hoefman, K Schoors, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 518, 270-284, 2019
An agent-based model of indirect minority influence on social change and diversity
J Jung, A Bramson, WD Crano
Social Influence 13 (1), 18-38, 2018
Cultural drift, indirect minority influence, network structure, and their impacts on cultural change and diversity.
J Jung, A Bramson, WD Crano, SE Page, JH Miller
American Psychologist 76 (6), 1039, 2021
Diversity and democracy: Agent-based modeling in political philosophy
B Holman, WJ Berger, DJ Singer, P Grim, A Bramson
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 43 (1 (163), 259-284, 2018
Inference and intervention: Causal models for business analysis
MD Ryall, A Bramson
Routledge, 2013
Representation in models of epistemic democracy
P Grim, A Bramson, DJ Singer, WJ Berger, J Jung, SE Page
Episteme 17 (4), 498-518, 2020
Measures of tipping points, robustness, and path dependence
AL Bramson
arXiv preprint arXiv:0811.0633, 2008
Formal measures of dynamical properties: tipping points
AL Bramson
2009 AAAI fall symposium series, 2009
Don’t forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget
DJ Singer, A Bramson, P Grim, B Holman, K Kovaka, J Jung, WJ Berger
Synthese 198, 5373-5394, 2021
The impact of functional and social value on the price of goods
K Hoefman, A Bramson, K Schoors, J Ryckebusch
Plos one 13 (11), e0207075, 2018
Benchmarking measures of network influence
A Bramson, B Vandermarliere
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34052, 2016
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