Thierry Rossier
Cited by
Cited by
Power and influence of economists: Contributions to the social studies of economics
J Maesse, S Pühringer, T Rossier, P Benz
Routledge, 2021
The internationalisation of economics and business studies: import of excellence, cosmopolitan capital, or American dominance?
T Rossier, F Bühlmann
Historical Social Research 43 (3), 189-215, 2018
Accumulation and conversion of capitals in professorial careers. The importance of scientific reputation, network relations, and internationality in economics and business studies
T Rossier
Higher Education 80 (6), 1061–1080, 2020
The Rise of Professors of Economics and Business Studies in Switzerland
T Rossier, F Bühlmann, A Mach
European Journal of Sociology 58 (2), 295-326, 2017
Prosopography, Networks, Life Course Sequences, and so on. Quantifying with or beyond Bourdieu?
T Rossier
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology 144 (1), 6-39, 2019
Internationalisation des élites académiques suisses au XXe siècle: convergences et contrastes
T Rossier, M Beetschen, A Mach, F Bühlmann
Cahiers de la recherche sur l’éducation et les savoirs, 119-139, 2015
Mapping the power of law professors: The role of scientific and social capital
F Bühlmann, P Benz, A Mach, T Rossier
Minerva 55, 509-531, 2017
Devenir (s) militants. Proposition de méthode pour une exploration des conséquences biographiques de l’engagement des soixante-huitard.e.s français.e.s
T Rossier, O Fillieule
Revue française de science politique 69 (4), 631-683, 2019
From integrated to fragmented elites. The core of Swiss elite networks 1910–2015
T Rossier, CH Ellersgaard, AG Larsen, JA Lunding
The British Journal of Sociology 73 (2), 315-335, 2022
The elite placement power of professors of law and economic sciences
F Bühlmann, T Rossier, P Benz
New directions in elite studies, 247-264, 2018
Forms of social capital in economics: The importance of heteronomous networks in the Swiss field of economists (1980–2000)
T Rossier, P Benz
Power and Influence of Economists, 227-247, 2021
The interaction of elite networks in the Pinochet regime's macroeconomic policies
J Gautier Morin, T Rossier
Global Networks 21 (2), 339-364, 2021
Is interdisciplinarity distinctive? Scientific collaborations through research projects in natural sciences
P Benz, T Rossier
Social Science Information 61 (1), 179-214, 2022
Affirmation et transformations des sciences économiques en Suisse au XXe siècle
T Rossier
Doctoral dissertation, University of Lausanne, 2017
Carrières universitaires et structure disciplinaire: Les trajectoires des professeur· es d’économie en Suisse entre pouvoirs mondains et scientifiques
T Rossier, P Benz
Zilsel, 105-142, 2022
The Role of Power in the Social Studies of Economics: An Introduction
J Maesse, S Pühringer, T Rossier, P Benz
Power and Influence of Economists, 1-15, 2021
From order to chaos. How the Brexit economic expert discourse articulates structural dissolution in times of COVID-19 crisis
J Maesse, T Rossier
Culture, Practice & Europeanization 7 (1), 68-99, 2022
Construire au moyen d’une analyse des correspondances multiples dynamique l’espace des devenirs soixante-huitards
T Rossier
Changer le monde, changer sa vie, 1087-1106, 2018
The First Graduate School of Latin American Economic Studies (ESCOLATINA) between “Autochthonous” and International Logics (1956-1964)
E Klüger, J Gautier Morin, T Rossier
Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 42, 49-84, 2023
Des autoroutes aux sentiers. Mobilités disciplinaires, crédibilité scientifique et allocation des moyens pour la recherche
P Benz, T Rossier
Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances 17 (2), 1-32, 2023
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Articles 1–20