Anita R. Gohdes
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Zitiert von
Tracking and promoting the usage of a COVID-19 contact tracing app
S Munzert, P Selb, A Gohdes, LF Stoetzer, W Lowe
Nature human behaviour 5 (2), 247-255, 2021
Pulling the plug: Network disruptions and violence in civil conflict
AR Gohdes
Journal of Peace Research 52 (3), 352-367, 2015
Repression technology: Internet accessibility and state violence
AR Gohdes
American Journal of Political Science 64 (3), 488-503, 2020
Updated Statistical Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Arab Republic
M Price, A Gohdes, P Ball
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2014
Canaries in a coal-mine? What the killings of journalists tell us about future repression
AR Gohdes, SC Carey
Journal of Peace Research 54 (2), 157-174, 2017
First things first: Assessing data quality before model quality
A Gohdes, M Price
Journal of Conflict Resolution 57 (6), 1090-1108, 2013
Studying the Internet and Violent conflict
AR Gohdes
Conflict Management and Peace Science 35 (1), 89-106, 2018
9 Multiple Systems Estimation Techniques for Estimating
D Manrique-Vallier, ME Price, A Gohdes
Counting civilian casualties: An introduction to recording and estimating …, 2013
Voting in the shadow of violence: Electoral politics and conflict in Peru
JK Birnir, A Gohdes
Journal of Global Security Studies 3 (2), 181-197, 2018
Documents of war: Understanding the Syrian conflict
M Price, A Gohdes, P Ball
Significance 12 (2), 14-19, 2015
Understanding journalist killings
SC Carey, AR Gohdes
The Journal of Politics 83 (4), 1216-1228, 2021
Wenn Algorithmen für uns entscheiden: Chancen und Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz
M Christen, C Mader, J Čas, T Abou-Chadi, A Bernstein, NB Binder, ...
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, 2020
Repression in the Digital Age: Communication Technology and the Politics of State Violence
A Gohdes
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, 2014
Distract and divert: How world leaders use social media during contentious politics
P Barberá, AR Gohdes, E Iakhnis, T Zeitzoff
The International Journal of Press/Politics 29 (1), 47-73, 2024
Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic
LF Stoetzer, S Munzert, W Lowe, B Çalı, AR Gohdes, M Helbling, ...
Political Science Research and Methods 11 (2), 429-436, 2023
A Matter of Convenience: Challenges of Non-Random Data in Analyzing Human Rights Violations during Conflicts in Peru and Sierra Leone
T Landman, A Gohdes
Oxford University Press, 2013
Capturing group alignments: Introducing the government and armed actors relations dataset (GAARD)
S Otto, A Scharpf, AR Gohdes
Research & Politics 7 (4), 2053168020971891, 2020
Relativizing Human Rights
T Landman, D Kernohan, A Gohdes
Journal of Human Rights 11 (4), 460-485, 2012
Repression in the digital age: Surveillance, censorship, and the dynamics of state violence
AR Gohdes
Oxford University Press, 2024
Different convenience samples, different stories: The case of Sierra Leone
A Gohdes
Benetech Human Rights Data Analysis Group, 2010
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