John Robinson
John Robinson
Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney
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Generalized discriminant analysis based on distances
MJ Anderson, J Robinson
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 45 (3), 301-318, 2003
Permutation tests for linear models
MJ Anderson, J Robinson
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 43 (1), 75-88, 2001
The biasing effect of compositional heterogeneity on phylogenetic estimates may be underestimated
LS Jermiin, SYW Ho, F Ababneh, J Robinson, AWD Larkum
Systematic biology 53 (4), 638-643, 2004
Saddlepoint approximations for permutation tests and confidence intervals
J Robinson
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 44 (1 …, 1982
A statistical analysis of the release of acetylcholine at newly formed synapses in striated muscle
MR Bennett, T Florin
The Journal of physiology 238 (1), 93-107, 1974
Temporal relationships among estrus, body temperature, milk yield, progesterone and luteinizing hormone levels, and ovulation in dairy cows
R Rajamahendran, J Robinson, S Desbottes, JS Walton
Theriogenology 31 (6), 1173-1182, 1989
Matched-pairs tests of homogeneity with applications to homologous nucleotide sequences
F Ababneh, LS Jermiin, C Ma, J Robinson
Bioinformatics 22 (10), 1225-1231, 2006
Dynamics of the CA3 pyramidial neuron autoassociative memory network in the hippocampus
MR Bennett, WG Gibson, J Robinson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1994
Efficiencies of chi-square and likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit tests
MP Quine, J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 727-742, 1985
Estimation of phylogeny using a general Markov model
V Jayaswal, LS Jermiin, J Robinson
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1, 117693430500100005, 2005
Statistical analysis of the dynamics of a sparse associative memory
WG Gibson, J Robinson
Neural Networks 5 (4), 645-661, 1992
Estimation of parameters for a model of transmitter release at synapses
J Robinson
Biometrics, 61-68, 1976
An asymptotic expansion for samples from a finite population
J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 1005-1011, 1978
Mixture models of nucleotide sequence evolution that account for heterogeneity in the substitution process across sites and across lineages
V Jayaswal, TKF Wong, J Robinson, L Poladian, LS Jermiin
Systematic biology 63 (5), 726-742, 2014
Saddlepoint approximations and tests based on multivariate M-estimates
J Robinson, E Ronchetti, GA Young
The Annals of statistics 31 (4), 1154-1169, 2003
Phylogenetic model evaluation
LS Jermiin, V Jayaswal, F Ababneh, J Robinson
Bioinformatics: Data, Sequence Analysis and Evolution, 331-364, 2008
Saddlepoint approximations for marginal and conditional probabilities of transformed variables
B Jing, J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 1115-1132, 1994
Conditioning ratio estimates under simple random sampling
J Robinson
Journal of the American Statistical Association 82 (399), 826-831, 1987
Probabilistic secretion of quanta and the synaptosecretosome hypothesis: evoked release at active zones of varicosities, boutons, and endplates
MR Bennett, WG Gibson, J Robinson
Biophysical journal 73 (4), 1815-1829, 1997
Growth and elimination of nerve terminals at synaptic sites during polyneuronal innervation of muscle cells: a trophic hypothesis
MR Bennett, J Robinson
Proceedings of the Royal society of London. Series B. Biological sciences …, 1989
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Articles 1–20