Wolfgang Emmerich
Wolfgang Emmerich
Dept. of Computer Science, UCL, UK
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The reservoir model and architecture for open federated cloud computing
B Rochwerger, D Breitgand, E Levy, A Galis, K Nagin, IM Llorente, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 53 (4), 4: 1-4: 11, 2009
Carisma: Context-aware reflective middleware system for mobile applications
L Capra, W Emmerich, C Mascolo
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 29 (10), 929-945, 2003
Slang: A language for defining service level agreements
DD Lamanna, J Skene, W Emmerich
Ninth IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems …, 2003
Software engineering and middleware: a roadmap
W Emmerich
Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Software Engineering, 117-129, 2000
Engineering distributed objects
W Emmerich
John Wiley & Sons Software, 2000
xlinkit: A consistency checking and smart link generation service
C Nentwich, L Capra, W Emmerich, A Finkelsteiin
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 2 (2), 151-185, 2002
XMIDDLE: A data-sharing middleware for mobile computing
C Mascolo, L Capra, S Zachariadis, W Emmerich
Wireless Personal Communications 21, 77-103, 2002
Consistency management with repair actions
C Nentwich, W Emmerich, A Finkelstein
25th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Precise service level agreements
J Skene, DD Lamanna, W Emmerich
Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, 179-188, 2004
Flexible consistency checking
C Nentwich, W Emmerich, A Finkelsteiin, E Ellmer
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 12 (1), 28-63, 2003
Efficient online monitoring of web-service SLAs
F Raimondi, J Skene, W Emmerich
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations …, 2008
Grid service orchestration using the business process execution language (BPEL)
W Emmerich, B Butchart, L Chen, B Wassermann, SL Price
Journal of Grid Computing 3, 283-304, 2005
Early performance testing of distributed software applications
G Denaro, A Polini, W Emmerich
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software and Performance …, 2004
Mobile computing middleware
C Mascolo, L Capra, W Emmerich
Advanced Lectures on Networking: NETWORKING 2002 Tutorials 2, 20-58, 2002
Reflective middleware solutions for context-aware applications
L Capra, W Emmerich, C Mascolo
Metalevel Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns: Third …, 2001
Software architecture definition for on-demand cloud provisioning
C Chapman, W Emmerich, FG Márquez, S Clayman, A Galis
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international symposium on high performance …, 2010
Impact analysis of database schema changes
A Maule, W Emmerich, DS Rosenblum
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008
Process-centered software engineering environments
PK Garg
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995
Exploiting reflection in mobile computing middleware
L Capra, GS Blair, C Mascolo, W Emmerich, P Grace
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6 (4), 34-44, 2002
Component technologies: Java beans, COM, CORBA, RMI, EJB and the CORBA component model
W Emmerich, N Kaveh
Proceedings of the 8th European software engineering conference held jointly …, 2001
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