Jonathan Sykes
Jonathan Sykes
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo
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The impact of climate change on spatially varying groundwater recharge in the grand river watershed (Ontario)
MI Jyrkama, JF Sykes
Journal of Hydrology 338 (3-4), 237-250, 2007
Modeling the transport of volatile organics in variably saturated media
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water resources research 25 (1), 81-92, 1989
Sensitivity analysis for steady state groundwater flow using adjoint operators
JF Sykes, JL Wilson, RW Andrews
Water Resources Research 21 (3), 359-371, 1985
Compositional simulation of groundwater contamination by organic compounds: 1. Model development and verification
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water resources research 29 (6), 1697-1708, 1993
Recharge estimation for transient ground water modeling
MI Jyrkama, JF Sykes, SD Normani
Groundwater 40 (6), 638-648, 2002
Numerical modeling of immiscible organic transport at the Hyde Park landfill
M Osborne, J Sykes
Water Resources Research 22 (1), 25-33, 1986
Simple screening models of NAPL dissolution in the subsurface
J Zhu, JF Sykes
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 72 (1-4), 245-258, 2004
Laboratory and model simulations of a LNAPL spill in a variably-saturated sand, 1. Laboratory experiment and image analysis techniques
PJ Van Geel, JF Sykes
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 17 (1), 1-25, 1994
Compositional simulation of groundwater contamination by organic compounds: 2. Model applications
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water Resources Research 29 (6), 1709-1718, 1993
Modeling of leachate organic migration and attenuation in groundwaters below sanitary landfills
JF Sykes, S Soyupak, GJ Farquhar
Water Resources Research 18 (1), 135-145, 1982
A numerical investigation into factors affecting gas and aqueous phase plumes in the subsurface
NR Thomson, JF Sykes, D Van Vliet
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 28 (1-2), 39-70, 1997
The importance of fluid entrapment, saturation hysteresis and residual saturations on the distribution of a lighter-than-water non-aqueous phase liquid in a variably saturated …
PJ Van Geel, JF Sykes
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 25 (3-4), 249-270, 1997
The influence of NAPL dissolution characteristics on field-scale contaminant transport in subsurface
J Zhu, JF Sykes
Journal of contaminant hydrology 41 (1-2), 133-154, 2000
Numerical simulation of flow and contaminant migration at an extensively monitored landfill
JF Sykes, SB Pahwa, RB Lantz, DS Ward
Water Resources Research 18 (6), 1687-1704, 1982
Route selection through a dynamic ice field using the maximum principle
NR Thomson, JF Sykes
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 22 (5), 339-356, 1988
Reliabilty of protection systems (what are the real concerns)
J Sykes, V Madani, J Burger, M Adamiak, W Premerlani
2010 63rd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, 1-16, 2010
A composite L1 parameter estimator for model fitting in groundwater flow and solute transport simulation
Y Xiang, JF Sykes, NR Thomson
Water Resources Research 29 (6), 1661-1673, 1993
Laboratory and model simulations of a LNAPL spill in a variably-saturated sand, 2. Comparison of laboratory and model results
PJ Van Geel, JF Sykes
Journal of contaminant hydrology 17 (1), 27-53, 1994
A Lagrangian porous media mass transport model
NR Thomson, JF Sykes, WC Lennox
Water Resources Research 20 (3), 391-399, 1984
Analysis of hydraulic and tracer response tests within moderately fractured rock based on a transition probability geostatistical approach
YJ Park, EA Sudicky, RG McLaren, JF Sykes
Water Resources Research 40 (12), 2004
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