Gerhard Schwabe
Gerhard Schwabe
Professor of Information Management, University of Zurich
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Mobile learning projects–a critical analysis of the state of the art
D Frohberg, C Göth, G Schwabe
Journal of computer assisted learning 25 (4), 307-331, 2009
The FinTech phenomenon: antecedents of financial innovation perceived by the popular press
L Zavolokina, M Dolata, G Schwabe
Financial Innovation 2, 1-16, 2016
Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration
I Seeber, E Bittner, RO Briggs, T De Vreede, GJ De Vreede, A Elkins, ...
Information & management 57 (2), 103174, 2020
Mobile learning with a mobile game: design and motivational effects
G Schwabe, C Göth
Journal of computer assisted learning 21 (3), 204-216, 2005
Digital innovation
RF Ciriello, A Richter, G Schwabe
Business & Information Systems Engineering 60, 563-569, 2018
To token or not to token: Tools for understanding blockchain tokens
L Oliveira, L Zavolokina, I Bauer, G Schwabe
ICIS, 2018
The last research mile: Achieving both rigor and relevance in information systems research
JF Nunamaker Jr, RO Briggs, DC Derrick, G Schwabe
Journal of management information systems 32 (3), 10-47, 2015
CSCW-Kompendium: Lehr-und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten
G Schwabe, N Streitz, R Unland
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Decision problems in blockchain governance: Old wine in new bottles or walking in someone else’s shoes?
R Ziolkowski, G Miscione, G Schwabe
Journal of Management Information Systems 37 (2), 316-348, 2020
Digital work design: The interplay of human and computer in future work practices as an interdisciplinary (grand) challenge
A Richter, P Heinrich, A Stocker, G Schwabe
Business & Information Systems Engineering 60, 259-264, 2018
Management, governance and value creation in a blockchain consortium
L Zavolokina, R Ziolkowski, I Bauer, G Schwabe
MIS Quarterly Executive 19 (1), 1-17, 2020
Fair AI: Challenges and opportunities
S Feuerriegel, M Dolata, G Schwabe
Business & information systems engineering 62, 379-384, 2020
A sociotechnical view of algorithmic fairness
M Dolata, S Feuerriegel, G Schwabe
Information Systems Journal 32 (4), 754-818, 2022
From expert discipline to common practice: a vision and research agenda for extending the reach of enterprise modeling
K Sandkuhl, HG Fill, S Hoppenbrouwers, J Krogstie, F Matthes, A Opdahl, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 60, 69-80, 2018
CSCL–Kompendium: Lehr-und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernen
J Haake, G Schwabe, M Wessner
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, 2004
Objekte der Gruppenarbeit: Ein Konzept für das Computer Aided Team
G Schwabe
Springer-Verlag, 2013
User, use & utility research: the digital user as new design perspective in business and information systems engineering
W Brenner, D Karagiannis, L Kolbe, J Krüger, L Leifer, HJ Lamberti, ...
Wirtschaftsinformatik 56, 65-72, 2014
What is the Metaverse and who seeks to define it? Mapping the site of social construction
M Dolata, G Schwabe
Journal of Information Technology 38 (3), 239-266, 2023
Designing for reintermediation in the brick-and-mortar world: Towards the travel agency of the future
J Novak, G Schwabe
Electronic Markets 19, 15-29, 2009
FinTech transformation: How IT-enabled innovations shape the financial sector
L Zavolokina, M Dolata, G Schwabe
Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry: 8th …, 2017
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