John Newhagen
John Newhagen
Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland
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Why communication researchers should study the Internet: A dialogue
JE Newhagen, S Rafaeli
Journal of computer-mediated communication 1 (4), JCMC145, 1996
Negative video as structure: Emotion, attention, capacity, and memory
A Lang, J Newhagen, B Reeves
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 40 (4), 460-477, 1996
The evening's bad news: Effects of compelling negative television news images on memory
JE Newhagen, B Reeves
Journal of communication 42 (2), 25-41, 1992
Differential criteria for evaluating credibility of newspapers and TV news
J Newhagen, C Nass
Journalism quarterly 66 (2), 277-284, 1989
Nightly@ nbc. com: Audience scope and the perception of interactivity in viewer mail on the Internet
JE Newhagen, JW Cordes, MR Levy
Journal of communication 45 (3), 164-175, 1995
TV news images that induce anger, fear, and disgust: Effects on approach‐avoidance and memory
JE Newhagen
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 42 (2), 265-276, 1998
Emotion and memory responses for negative political advertising: A study of television commercials used in the 1988 presidential election
JE Newhagen, B Reeves
Television and political advertising, 197-220, 2013
Media access: Social and psychological dimensions of new technology use
EP Bucy, EP Bucy, JE Newhagen
Psychology Press, 2004
Revealing the black box: Information processing and media effects.
S Geiger, J Newhagen
Journal of Communication, 1993
A model for computer frustration: The role of instrumental and dispositional factors on incident, session, and post-session frustration and mood
K Bessiere, JE Newhagen, JP Robinson, B Shneiderman
Computers in human behavior 22 (6), 941-961, 2006
Negative and positive television messages: Effects of message type and context on attention and memory
BR Reeves, J Newhagen, E Maibach, M Basil, K Kurz
American Behavioral Scientist 34 (6), 679-694, 1991
The emotional appropriateness heuristic: Processing televised presidential reactions to the news
EP Bucy, JE Newhagen
Journal of Communication 49 (4), 59-79, 1999
The future of journalism in a distributed communication architecture
JE Newhagen, MR Levy
The Electronic Grapevine, 9-21, 2013
Routes to media access
JE Newhagen, EP Bucy
Media Access, 23-44, 2003
Self-efficacy and call-in political television show use
JE Newhagen
Communication Research 21 (3), 366-379, 1994
Interactivity, dynamic symbol processing, and the emergence of content in human communication
JE Newhagen
The information society 20 (5), 395-400, 2004
The micro‐and macrodrama of politics on television: Effects of media format on candidate evaluations
EP Bucy, JE Newhagen
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 43 (2), 193-210, 1999
Media use and political efficacy: The suburbanization of race and class
JE Newhagen
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45 (6), 386-394, 1994
The engaged electorate: New media use as political participation
EP Bucy, P D’Angelo, JE Newhagen
The electronic election: Perspectives on the, 335-347, 1996
How journalists think while they write: A transcultural model of news decision making
B Zhong, JE Newhagen
Journal of Communication 59 (3), 587-608, 2009
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Articles 1–20