Janne F. J. Korhonen
Janne F. J. Korhonen
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Hydraulic adjustment of Scots pine across Europe
J Martínez‐Vilalta, H Cochard, M Mencuccini, F Sterck, A Herrero, ...
New Phytologist 184 (2), 353-364, 2009
Comparison of static chambers to measure CH4 emissions from soils
MK Pihlatie, JR Christiansen, H Aaltonen, JFJ Korhonen, A Nordbo, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 171, 124-136, 2013
Assessing the effects of chamber placement, manual sampling and headspace mixing on CH4 fluxes in a laboratory experiment
JR Christiansen, JFJ Korhonen, R Juszczak, M Giebels, M Pihlatie
Plant and soil 343, 171-185, 2011
Changes in biogeochemistry and carbon fluxes in a boreal forest after the clear-cutting and partial burning of slash
L Kulmala, H Aaltonen, F Berninger, AJ Kieloaho, J Levula, J Bäck, P Hari, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 188, 33-44, 2014
A new monitoring PAM fluorometer (MONI-PAM) to study the short- and long-term acclimation of photosystem II in field conditions
A Porcar-Castell, E Pfündel, JFJ Korhonen, E Juurola
Photosynthesis Research 96, 173-179, 2008
Nitrogen balance of a boreal Scots pine forest
JFJ Korhonen, M Pihlatie, J Pumpanen, H Aaltonen, P Hari, J Levula, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 1083-1095, 2013
Climatic controls on leaf litter decomposition across European forests and grasslands revealed by reciprocal litter transplantation experiments
M Portillo-Estrada, M Pihlatie, JFJ Korhonen, J Levula, AKF Frumau, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (5), 1621-1633, 2016
Understanding trait interactions and their impacts on growth in Scots pine branches across Europe
FJ Sterck, J Martínez‐Vilalta, M Mencuccini, H Cochard, P Gerrits, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (2), 541-549, 2012
Inter-and intra-annual variations in canopy fine litterfall and carbon and nitrogen inputs to the forest floor in two European coniferous forests
M Portillo-Estrada, JFJ Korhonen, M Pihlatie, J Pumpanen, AKF Frumau, ...
Annals of Forest Science 70, 367-379, 2013
Tree water relations can trigger monoterpene emissions from Scots pine stems during spring recovery
A Vanhatalo, T Chan, J Aalto, JF Korhonen, P Kolari, T Hölttä, E Nikinmaa, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (18), 5353-5363, 2015
Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation–Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and …
CR Flechard, A Ibrom, UM Skiba, W De Vries, M Van Oijen, DR Cameron, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (6), 1583-1620, 2020
Challenges for evaluating process-based models of gas exchange at forest sites with fetches of various species
R Grote, J Korhonen, I Mammarella
Forest systems 20 (3), 389-406, 2011
Interactions between leaf nitrogen status and longevity in relation to N cycling in three contrasting European forest canopies
L Wang, A Ibrom, JFJ Korhonen, KF Arnoud Frumau, J Wu, M Pihlatie, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 999-1011, 2013
Contribution of root and rhizosphere respiration to the annual variation of carbon balance of a boreal Scots pine forest
JFJ Korhonen, J Pumpanen, P Kolari, E Juurola, E Nikinmaa
Biogeosciences Discussions 6 (3), 6179-6203, 2009
Environmental factors
Ü Rannik, S Launiainen, J Pumpanen, L Kulmala, P Kolari, T Vesala, ...
Physical and physiological forest ecology, 27-42, 2013
Fluxes of carbon, water and nutrients
T Hölttä, P Hari, K Heliövaara, E Nikinmaa, J Pumpanen, T Vesala, ...
Physical and Physiological Forest Ecology, 225-328, 2012
Total nitrogen deposition to a boreal forest: Organic dry nitrogen deposition estimated
J Korhonen, J Pumpanen, M Pihlatie
Finnish Center of Excellence in'Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology …, 2012
Non-linearity in chamber flux measurements revisited and potential benefits of measuring simultaneously several gases
T Vesala, A Nordbo, M Pihlatie, H Aaltonen, J Korhonen, P Kolari, ...
and Graduate School in “Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology of …, 2009
Inter-comparison of N2O chambers using laser absorption spectrometry: quantification of systematic errors
M Pihlatie, M Mäki, M Korkiakoski, S Bosco, C Brümmer, S Cade, S Mette, ...
The Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Sciences, 520-523, 2014
Effect of headspace mixing in static chambers and sampling protocol on calculated CH4 fluxes from soils
R Juszczak, M Pihlatie, JR Christiansen, M Giebels, P Schreiber, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9715, 2009
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