Christoph Koch
Christoph Koch
Professor of Computer Science, EPFL
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Probabilistic databases
D Suciu, D Olteanu, C Ré, C Koch
Springer Nature, 2022
Efficient algorithms for processing XPath queries
G Gottlob, C Koch, R Pichler
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 30 (2), 444-491, 2005
Fast and simple relational processing of uncertain data
L Antova, T Jansen, C Koch, D Olteanu
2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, 983-992, 2008
Path queries on compressed XML
P Buneman, M Grohe, C Koch
Proceedings 2003 VLDB Conference, 141-152, 2003
DBToaster: higher-order delta processing for dynamic, frequently fresh views
C Koch, Y Ahmad, O Kennedy, M Nikolic, A Nötzli, D Lupei, A Shaikhha
The VLDB Journal 23, 253-278, 2014
Monadic datalog and the expressive power of languages for web information extraction
G Gottlob, C Koch
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 51 (1), 74-113, 2004
Efficient processing of XPath queries
G Gottlob, C Koch, R Pichler
US Patent 7,162,485, 2007
worlds and beyond: Efficient representation and processing of incomplete information
L Antova, C Koch, D Olteanu
The VLDB Journal 18 (5), 1021-1040, 2009
The lixto data extraction project: back and forth between theory and practice
G Gottlob, C Koch, R Baumgartner, M Herzog, S Flesca
Proceedings of the twenty-third ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2004
MayBMS: a probabilistic database management system
J Huang, L Antova, C Koch, D Olteanu
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2009
The complexity of XPath query evaluation
G Gottlob, C Koch, R Pichler
Proceedings of the twenty-second ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2003
Building efficient query engines in a high-level language
I Klonatos, C Koch, T Rompf, H Chafi
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (10), 853-864, 2014
XPath leashed
M Benedikt, C Koch
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 41 (1), 1-54, 2009
Conjunctive queries over trees
G Gottlob, C Koch, KU Schulz
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 53 (2), 238-272, 2006
Conditioning probabilistic databases
C Koch, D Olteanu
arXiv preprint arXiv:0803.2212, 2008
Monadic queries over tree-structured data
G Gottlob, C Koch
Proceedings 17th annual IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, 189-202, 2002
Schema-based scheduling of event processors and buffer minimization for queries on structured data streams
C Koch, S Scherzinger, N Schweikardt, B Stegmaier
VLDB 4, 228-239, 2004
Causality in databases
A Meliou, W Gatterbauer, JY Halpern, C Koch, KF Moore, D Suciu
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 33 (3), 59-67, 2010
MayBMS: Managing incomplete information with probabilistic world-set decompositions
L Antova, C Koch, D Olteanu
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 1479-1480, 2006
Sprout: Lazy vs. eager query plans for tuple-independent probabilistic databases
D Olteanu, J Huang, C Koch
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 640-651, 2009
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