Harry Jol
Cited by
Cited by
Ground penetrating radar theory and applications
HM Jol
elsevier, 2008
GPR in sediments: advice on data collection, basic processing and interpretation, a good practice guide
HM Jol, CS Bristow
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 211 (1), 9-27, 2003
Ground penetrating radar of northern lacustrine deltas
HM Jol, DG Smith
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 28 (12), 1939-1947, 1991
Ground penetrating radar data processing, modelling and analysis
NJ Cassidy, HM Jol
Ground penetrating radar: theory and applications, 141-176, 2009
Electrical and magnetic properties of rocks, soils and fluids
NJ Cassidy
Ground penetrating radar: theory and applications 2, 41-72, 2009
Ground penetrating radar in sediments
CS Bristow, HM Jol
Geological Society of London, 2003
Ground penetrating radar: antenna frequencies and maximum probable depths of penetration in Quaternary sediments
DG Smith, HM Jol
Journal of Applied Geophysics 33 (1-3), 93-100, 1995
Ground penetrating radar antennae frequencies and transmitter powers compared for penetration depth, resolution and reflection continuity1
HM Jol
Geophysical prospecting 43 (5), 693-709, 1995
An introduction to ground penetrating radar (GPR) in sediments
CS Bristow, HM Jol
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 211 (1), 1-7, 2003
Evidence for eight great earthquake-subsidence events detected with ground-penetrating radar, Willapa barrier, Washington
RA Meyers, DG Smith, HM Jol, CD Peterson
Geology 24 (2), 99-102, 1996
Digital ground penetrating radar (GPR): a new geophysical tool for coastal barrier research (examples from the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coasts, USA)
HM Jol, DG Smith, RA Meyers
Journal of Coastal Research, 960-968, 1996
Ground-penetrating radar investigation of a Lake Bonneville deita, Provo level, Brigham City, Utah
DG Smith, HM Jol
Geology 20 (12), 1083-1086, 1992
Radar structure of a Gilbert-type delta, Peyto Lake, Banff national park, Canada
DG Smith, HM Jol
Sedimentary Geology 113 (3-4), 195-209, 1997
Ground penetrating radar surveys of peatlands for oilfield pipelines in Canada
HM Jol, DG Smith
Journal of Applied Geophysics 34 (2), 109-123, 1995
Investigation of the age and migration of reversing dunes in Antarctica using GPR and OSL, with implications for GPR on Mars
CS Bristow, PC Augustinus, IC Wallis, HM Jol, EJ Rhodes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 289 (1-2), 30-42, 2010
Ground penetrating radar: 2-D and 3-D subsurface imaging of a coastal barrier spit, Long Beach, WA, USA
HM Jol, DC Lawton, DG Smith
Geomorphology 53 (1-2), 165-181, 2003
Ecohydrologically important subsurface structures in peatlands revealed by ground‐penetrating radar and complex conductivity surveys
N Kettridge, X Comas, A Baird, L Slater, M Strack, D Thompson, H Jol, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G4), 2008
Incipient tunnel channels
DB Sjogren, TG Fisher, LD Taylor, HM Jol, MJ Munro-Stasiuk
Quaternary International 90 (1), 41-56, 2002
Saginaw Lobe tunnel channels (Laurentide Ice Sheet) and their significance in south-central Michigan, USA
TG Fisher, HM Jol, AM Boudreau
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (22), 2375-2391, 2005
Stratigraphy of back-barrier coastal dunes, northern North Carolina and southern Virginia
KG Havholm, DV Ames, GR Whittecar, BA Wenell, SR Riggs, HM Jol, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 20 (4), 980-999, 2004
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