Ilona Buchem
Ilona Buchem
Professor for Communication and Media
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Understanding personal learning environments: Literature review and synthesis through the activity theory lens
I Buchem, G Attwell, R Torres
Microlearning: a strategy for ongoing professional development
I Buchem, H Hamelmann
eLearning Papers 21 (7), 1-15, 2010
Redesigning professional development: reconceptualising teaching using social learning technologies
T Cochrane, V Narayan
Research in Learning Technology 21, 2013
Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments: Do sense of ownership and control really matter
I Buchem
PLE Conference Proceedings 1 (1), 2012
Learner control in Personal Learning Environments: A cross-cultural study
I Buchem, G Tur, T Hoelterhof, E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen, ...
Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future 15 (2), 14-53, 2014
Virtual exchanges in higher education: developing intercultural skills of students across borders through online collaboration
P Scherer Bassani, L Buchem
Universidad de Murcia, 2019
Serendipitous learning: Recognizing and fostering the potential of microblogging
I Buchem
Form@ re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete 11 (74), 7-16, 2011
Gamification designs in wearable enhanced learning for healthy ageing
I Buchem, A Merceron, J Kreutel, M Haesner, A Steinert
2015 international conference on interactive mobile communication …, 2015
Microlearning: a strategy for ongoing professional development. eLearning Papers, n. 21
I Buchem, H Hamelmann
Sept. Disponível em http://www. elearningeuropa. info/files/media/media23707 …, 2010
Designing a Collaborative Learning Hub for Virtual Mobility Skills - Insights from the European Project Open Virtual Mobility
I Buchem, J Konert, C Carlino, G Casanova, K Rajagopal, O Firssova, ...
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Design, Development and …, 2018
A wearable-enhanced fitness program for older adults, combining fitness trackers and gamification elements: the pilot study fMOOC@ Home
A Steinert, I Buchem, A Merceron, J Kreutel, M Haesner
Sport Sciences for Health 14, 275-282, 2018
Learner Skills in Open Virtual Mobility.
K Rajagopal, O Firssova, I Op de Beeck, E Van der Stappen, S Stoyanov, ...
Research in Learning Technology 28, 2020
Blogging und Microblogging-Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bildungskontext
I Buchem, R Appelt, S Kaiser, S Schön, M Ebner
Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2011
Developing 21st century skills: Web 2.0 in Higher Education-A case study
I Buchem, H Hamelmann
ELearning Papers,(24). Retrieved 9 (30), 2012, 2011
Special issue from the personal learning environments 2011 conference
G Attwell, L Castañeda, I Buchem
International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 4 (4), 1-4, 2013
Mlearning 2.0: The potential and challenges of collaborative mobile learning in participatory curriculum development in higher education.
I Buchem, T Cochrane, R Bateman, M Camacho, A Gordon, H Keegan
Personal learning environments in smart cities: current approaches and future scenarios
I Buchem, M Pérez-Sanagustín
Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future 136, 2014
Kommunikation und Moderation. Internetgestützte Kommunikation zur Lernunterstützung
M Ebner, S Schön, G Bäuml-Westebbe, I Buchem, C Lehr, M Egloffstein
L3T. Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2013
Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments. Do possession and control really matter
I Buchem
Proceedings of the PLE Conference 12, 2012
Veränderungen in der Didaktik durch Mobile Learning
I Buchem
Handbuch mobile learning, 43-62, 2018
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