Veronika Kalmus
Veronika Kalmus
Professor of Sociology, University of Tartu
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Country classification: Opportunities, risks, harm and parental mediation
E Helsper, V Kalmus, U Hasebrink, B Sagvari, J De Haan
EU Kids Online, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2013
Kvalitatiivne sisuanalüüs
V Kalmus, A Masso, M Linno
Sotsiaalse analüüsi meetodite ja metodoloogia õpibaas, 2015
Does it matter what mama says: Evaluating the role of parental mediation in European adolescents’ excessive Internet use
V Kalmus, L Blinka, K Ólafsson
Children & Society 29 (2), 122-133, 2015
Patterns of risk and safety online: In-depth analyses from the EU Kids Online survey of 9-to 16-year-olds and their parents in 25 European countries
U Hasebrink, A Görzig, L Haddon, V Kalmus, S Livingstone
London, UK: EU Kids Online. URL: http://eprints. lse. ac. uk/39356/(accessed …, 2011
Motives for Internet use and their relationships with personality traits and socio-demographic factors
V Kalmus, A Realo, A Siibak
Trames: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 15 (4), 385, 2011
Excessive Internet Use among European children
D Smahel, E Helsper, L Green, V Kalmus, L Blinka, K Ólafsson …, 2012
What do pupils and textbooks do with each other?: Methodological problems of research on socialization through educational media
V Kalmus
Journal of Curriculum Studies 36 (4), 469-485, 2004
‘Walking a fine line’: teachers’ perception of curricular autonomy in Estonia, Finland and Germany
M Erss, V Kalmus, TH Autio
Journal of curriculum studies 48 (5), 589-609, 2016
Digital channels in teacher-parent communication: The case of Estonia
K Palts, V Kalmus
International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT 11 (3), 2015
Cultural differentiation of the Russian minority
T Vihalemm, V Kalmus
Estonia's Transition to the EU, 92-115, 2020
Gendered mediation of children’s internet use: A keyhole for looking into changing socialization practices
K Talves, V Kalmus
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 9 (1), 2015
'Is interethnic integration possible in Estonia?': ethno-political discourse of two ethnic groups
V Kalmus
Discourse & Society 14 (6), 667-697, 2003
Mapping the terrain of “Generation C”: Places and practices of online content creation among Estonian teenagers
V Kalmus, P Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P Runnel, A Siibak
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14 (4), 1257-1282, 2009
V Kalmus
van Dijk, Teun Adrianus. Ideoloogia: multidistsiplinaarne käsitlus, 437-443, 2005
Eesti siirdekultuuri väärtused.—V. Kalmus, M. Lauristin ja P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (toim.)
V Kalmus, T Vihalemm
Eesti elavik 21. sajandi algul: Ülevaade uurimuse “Mina. Maailm. Meedia …, 2004
Eesti elavik 21. sajandi algul: ülevaade uurimuse Mina. Maailm. Meedia tulemustest
V Kalmus, M Lauristin, P Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Maailm. Meedia tulemustest, 400, 2004
Preferences in media use and perception of inter-generational differences among age groups in Estonia: A cultural approach to media generations
V Kalmus, A Masso, M Lauristin
Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook 11 (1), 15-34, 2013
Effectiveness of teachers’ and peers’ mediation in supporting opportunities and reducing risks online
V Kalmus, C von Feilitzen, A Siibak
Children, risk and safety on the internet, 245-256, 2012
Mental structures in transition culture: Differentiating patterns of identities and values in Estonia
T Vihalemm, V Kalmus
East European Politics and Societies 22 (4), 901-927, 2008
Internet and child well-being
V Kalmus, A Siibak, L Blinka
Springer, 2013
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