Nicolas Dumay
Nicolas Dumay
University of Exeter, dis-United Kingdom; BCBL, San Sebastian, Spain
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Sleep-associated changes in the mental representation of spoken words
N Dumay, MG Gaskell
Psychological Science 18 (1), 35-39, 2007
Lexical competition and the acquisition of novel words
MG Gaskell, N Dumay
Cognition 89 (2), 105-132, 2003
Reading spoken words: Orthographic effects in auditory priming
C Chéreau, MG Gaskell, N Dumay
Cognition 102 (3), 341-360, 2007
The role of the syllable in lexical segmentation in French: Word-spotting data
N Dumay, UH Frauenfelder, A Content
Brain and language 81 (1-3), 144-161, 2002
Behavioral and electrophysiological study of phonological priming between bisyllabic spoken words
N Dumay, A Benraiss, B Barriol, C Colin, M Radeau, M Besson
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 13 (1), 121-143, 2001
Time pressure and phonological advance planning in spoken production
MF Damian, N Dumay
Journal of Memory and Language 57 (2), 195-209, 2007
A day in the life of a spoken word
N Dumay, MG Gaskell, X Feng
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Overnight lexical consolidation revealed by speech segmentation
N Dumay, MG Gaskell
Cognition 123 (1), 119-132, 2012
Exploring phonological encoding through repeated segments
MF Damian, N Dumay
Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (5), 685-712, 2009
Sleep not just protects memories against forgetting, it also makes them more accessible
N Dumay
Cortex 74, 289-296, 2016
The role of syllable structure in lexical segmentation: Helping listeners avoid mondegreens.
A Content, N Dumay, U Frauenfelder
Spoken word access processes, 39-42, 2000
Acoustic-phonetic cues to word boundary location: Evidence from word spotting.
N Dumay, A Content, U Frauenfelder
Proceedings of the 14th international congress of phonetic sciences, 281-284, 1999
Do words go to sleep? Exploring consolidation of spoken forms through direct and indirect measures
N Dumay, MG Gaskell
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1), 69-70, 2005
Improved memory for information learnt before alcohol use in social drinkers tested in a naturalistic setting
M Carlyle, N Dumay, K Roberts, A McAndrew, T Stevens, W Lawn, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6213, 2017
A word-order constraint in single-word production? Failure to replicate Janssen, Alario, and Caramazza (2008)
N Dumay, MF Damian
Psychological Science 22 (4), 559-561, 2011
Le rôle de la syllabe: segmentation lexicale ou classification
N Dumay, MH Banel, UH Frauenfelder, A Content
Actes des XXII e Journées d’Etude sur la Parole, 33-36, 1998
Searching for syllabic coding units in speech perception
N Dumay, A Content
Journal of memory and language 66 (4), 680-694, 2012
Segmentation syllabique chez l'enfant.
A Content, N Dumay, U Frauenfelder
Actes des IIèmes Journées d'Etudes Linguistiques, 69-74, 1999
Auditory selective adaptation moment by moment, at multiple timescales.
AG Samuel, N Dumay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47 (4), 596, 2021
Acoustic-phonetic cues and lexical competition in segmentation of continuous speech.
N Dumay, U Frauenfelder, A Content
Spoken word access processes, 127-130, 2000
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